WoW Unread Mail Not Showing: 4 Fixes

wow unread mail not showing
wow unread mail not showing

The feeling of being lost whenever you start an MMORPG can be quite overwhelming for some people. You simply do not know what to do. What items will matter in the end game?

What items are just hogging your inventory space?

You only have two choices at this point to either learn everything yourself and then make a new character OR you could friend a high-level player and ask him for anything that might trouble you. In most MMORPG games the actual game starts when you hit the level cap and everything before can be considered as a tutorial.

WoW Unread Mail Not Showing

Whenever a new patch rolls out there are a lot of bugs that come with it. A lot of players are experiencing issues with the in-game mailing system. Where they are receiving notifications that they have mail in their inbox, but when they open the inbox it is just a blank list. Here are a few fixes you can follow to solve this bug.

1) Reset user interface to the default

If you have customized the game UI recently then chances are that it might be the root of the problem. Try going into setting and resetting the user interface to default. After you have done that just reload your game and all your mail should be there. This fix worked for the majority of people as it was one of the main causes of the bug.

2) Change Zone

Even after resetting the user interface the problem persists then you should try changing the zone. After changing zones multiple times, restart your launcher and your mail will probably be there. Some people reported that giving their PC a full restart also fixed the issue. So, in case restarting the launcher does not work for you; go ahead and give your PC a restart.

3) Check your ignore list

If after trying both of the mentioned fixes your mail is still not here then make sure you haven’t put the sender in the ignoring list.  Just simply go to your ignore list and try to find the name of the person you’re expecting mail from. When you find it simply remove the name from the ignore list and all your mail should start showing up in your inbox.

4) Disable Addons 

Most people with multiple add-ons linked to the game are experiencing issues with the game. If you have any links to your game then try removing them and reloading the game once. This should most probably solve the issue for you. Addons glitch out the interface sometimes and chances are your mailbox is malfunctioning because of all these addons you have set on your profile.

Implementing these fixes will most definitely solve the bug “WoW Unread Mail Not Showing” for you. But in the off chance, the issue remains then you should try contacting the developers. So, they can help you fix your account. The Blizzard dev team is extremely responsive so make sure to get in touch with the support and make them aware of your issue.

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