Fandral’s Flamescythe Not Working In WoW: 3 Fixes

fandral's flamescythe not working wow
fandral’s flamescythe not working wow

Fandral’s Flamescythe may not actually be a scythe as its name suggests, but it is still one of the best-looking weapons in WoW, which many will agree with. The piece of gear can be obtained as a reward from the Firelands.

The weapon not only looks great but works brilliantly as well. It also has a great buff which can be very useful at times. The only problem is that this buff associated with the Fandral’s Flamescythe sometimes doesn’t work in World of Warcraft. Here’s what to do when a problem such as this occurs with the weapon.

Solutions for Fandral’s Flamescythe Not Working In WoW

  1. Return to Combat

One thing that you need to know about the Fandral’s Flamescythe and the buff associated with it is that it will not work while you aren’t in combat. The buff is only available while in an encounter with an enemy or enemies, and will immediately be removed from your character the moment that you step outside of battle.

With that said, the solution is very simple and something which you probably have figured out by now. To get the Fandral’s Flamescythe to work as it should, all you have to do is stay in combat.

On the other, all you have to do is clear an encounter or leave combat forcefully whenever you wish to disable its buffs. It isn’t too bad that the buff isn’t available outside of combat, as its main application is while fighting enemies anyway.

  1. Buff Disabled

Alternatively, another common reason for the Fandral’s Flamescythe to not work in WoW is that players themselves might have accidentally disabled it. If you’re in encounter fighting hordes of enemies but the buff associated with the weapon still isn’t active, it is likely that you might have disabled it yourself. The reason why this is such a common reason for this problem is that it’s quite easy to accidentally toggle the buff of Fandral’s Flamescythe on and off.

It can easily be done so with a click of the right mouse button, and it is plausible that players can sometimes accidentally click the said button. This leads to the buff being toggled off if it was previously on. The solution is to simply right-click once again to enable the buff and get the Fandral’s Flamescythe working as it should be once again.

  1. Flight Form

Fandral’s Flamescythe is a weapon that simply will not work while a player’s character is in its flight form. The main reason for this is that anyone with the weapon using flight form would become a very easy target to track down given its bright design that easily stands out from its surroundings.

With that said, all you need to do in order to get Fandral’s Flamescythe working once again is to just exit flight mode and get an encounter with enemies started.

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