Gladiator’s Medallion Not Working In WoW: 3 Fixes

gladiator's medallion not working wow
gladiator’s medallion not working wow

A gladiator’s medallion is a must-have talent to have that provides you with great utility in PvP combat. It can cleanse your character of all the de-buffs that can cause your character to become out of your control. A lot of players are annoyed by it as it can cancel most of the stronger spells in-game.

However, you just have to wait it out first before committing to your stronger spells. There are still some players who can’t get their medallion to work. Here are a few methods you can follow to make your Medallion work.

Gladiator’s Medallion Not Working In WoW

  1. Enter an Arena or Battleground

If you mostly focus on PvE and don’t like to queue for PVP matches. Then chances are your Gladiator’s Medallion won’t work. People are not aware of this issue mainly because Blizzard has not mentioned it in the Gladiator’s Medallion tooltip. If you want to make your Gladiator’s Medallion useable you first have to unlock an achievement.

To unlock this achievement, you just need to enter a PvP session that can be a battleground or arena at level cap which will unlock the honorable medallion for your character, which further allows you access to Gladiator’s Medallion which is the talented version of honorable medallion.

This is the main reason why you cannot use the Gladiator’s Medallion spell. So just hop onto an instanced PvP session and your Medallion will be unlocked. It is not bugged; you just have not completed the requirement that makes it useable in-game.

  1. Make Sure PvP is Active

The Gladiator’s Medallion will not work in the open world if the PvP is inactive. So, make sure to turn on the PvP mode or get yourself an heirloom trinket that allows you to use the Medallion to be used in the Open World experience. This will probably sort out the issue for you.

  1. Restart Your Blizzard Client

If you were able to use Gladiator’s Medallion at first and it has become unusable recently then there is a high probability that your game is bugged. Just log out of your account, exit your game and restart your Blizzard Client. Hopefully, when you relog in to the game the bug will be fixed and you would be able to use the talent no problem.

However, if the issue persists then you need to contact Blizzard support and get a professional to help you sort out this problem. You can also open a thread on Blizzard forums and grab the attention of players that were facing similar issues. These players can help you by sharing what fixes work for them.

These were a few fixes you can implement to solve the issue of Gladiator’s Medallion Not working. A vast majority of players reported that going into a battleground once solved the issue for them as it is quite common for players to be unaware of this requirement. Once they joined the instance for PvP they unlocked the achievement that made Gladiator’s Medallion useable for these players.

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