5 Ways To Fix Corsair Glaive Double-Clicking

corsair glaive double clicking
corsair glaive double clicking

Corsair Glaive is a popular gaming mouse introduced by Corsair. It comes with a pretty unique design coupled with plenty of accessibility and customizable options, making it a great gaming mouse. With more options, the player is able to play according to his playstyle without having to compromise on much.

How to Fix Corsair Glaive Double-Clicking?

Quite a number of users have been experiencing a weird double click issue with their Corsair mouse. More specifically, Corsair Glaive users seem to be experiencing this issue pretty commonly. As a result, they are quite annoyed when using their PC as their mouse will double click on every single task, making it a nuisance to use.

This is why today; we will be focusing this article to purely tell you all the different ways on how you can fix the issue. So, without wasting any time further, let’s get started!

  1. Might Be Your Computer

One of the first and easiest ways on how you can troubleshoot this issue is to simply make sure whether it is your computer or the mouse that is acting up. You can easily check this by plugging in your mouse on to any other device.

You can either use a laptop or another computer system. The point is to check whether the mouse double clicks or not when connected to the other computer. If it does not, then something could be wrong with the computer system, i.e., poor drivers.

  1. Try Cleaning Your Mouse

A dirty mouse could also be one of the reasons that could ultimately lead to you facing the issue. Whenever you use your mouse for extended periods of time, it is possible that it gets dirty over time. When this happens, your mouse may start acting up in different ways.

Luckily, it is quite easy to clean your mouse. Depending on the dirt inside your mouse, cleaning it could be as simple as blowing air into the mouse. However, if you want to thoroughly clean your mouse, you will have to use compressed air which should be quite effective.

  1. Check for Any Possible Software Issue

As already mentioned above, software issues could also lead to you facing numerous problems with your mouse. For instance, it could be that you have faulty drivers. Similarly, it is also possible that you might have the wrong configuration settings for your mouse.

In either case, you will have to make sure that you have the correct version of drivers installed on your computer. Likewise, it is also important that you have the correct settings set for your mouse. You can try clearing your mouse’s onboard memory which could potentially help clear out any bad memory.

  1. Replace the Switches

Over time, most mouses may start giving you a double click issue. The reason behind it is simply because the clicks installed on the mouse may not be as durable. Luckily, you can easily buy and replace the mouse clicks.

However, you will need a soldering kit in order to install new clicks on your mouse. Alternatively, you can try asking a professional for help on the matter.

  1. Contact Customer Support

If you find none of the above-mentioned steps to be working for you, then what you can do is to try and contact customer support for additional help on the matter. After asking you a bunch of questions, they should tell you what you should do next in order to troubleshoot.

If the issue seems to persist, they may ask you to send in the mouse so they can take a look at the mouse themselves.

The Bottom Line:

Here are the 5 different ways on how you can fix Corsair Glaive double clicking issue. In case you are facing a similar issue, then all you need to do is to follow the set of instructions that we have given in this article.

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