Corsair Dark Core Wireless Not Working? 4 Methods To Fix Now

corsair dark core wireless not working
corsair dark core wireless not working

An annoying thing to have to deal with whenever you are using a wireless gaming mouse is to have it not work for some reason. Regarding this, we have seen all kinds of Corsair users get concerned about their Dark Core wireless mouse not working at all. So, if you seem to be one of these users who don’t have any idea how you can fix this, then this article is for you! Here are all the different troubleshooting steps that you will need to follow to get your issue fixed:

Corsair Dark Core Wireless Not Working

1. Pair Through Dongle

We have noticed how the Corsair Dark Core often causes issues whenever players attempt to pair the device without using the USB dongle attached to the PC. Even though it isn’t necessary to always use the dongle, you must have it connected to your computer during the pairing process.

Simply put, the first thing that you will need to do for having your mouse with your PC is to redo the whole pairing process using the dongle that comes with it. Another thing to keep in mind is that the initiating process might be disabled especially if you have the mouse wired to your computer. To fix this, you can start with using Bluetooth on your mouse followed by initiating a paring mode with your dongle.

2. Trying Another USB Port

If you already have the USB dongle attached, then there’s a good chance that the issue lies within the USB port that you are trying to connect to your PC. Similarly, if you wish to fix this, you will have to try using another USB port on your computer.

Just in case, we recommend that you try out every USB port available which should rule out the possibility of having a faulty USB port.

3. Add Device Through Bluetooth

It is important to note that as soon as you start the Bluetooth mode on your mouse, you must add a new device through your Windows Bluetooth app after which you can start the pairing process. So, if you haven’t done this already, make sure to do it now.

4. Contacting Support

If the issue still seems to occur, then the only other thing that you can do is to refer to Corsair’s support team. As the team should be able to figure out what could have gone wrong with your device, be sure to let them know everything that you have tried already.

The Bottom Line:

Have no idea why your Corsair Dark Core wireless mouse is not working? Before you start worrying about it, you should try out all the above-mentioned steps that we have included in the article.

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