Conan Exiles Server Restart (Explained)

conan exiles server restart
conan exiles server restart

Conan Exiles is a fun-to-play survival game in which you need to gather resources and craft different items to level up your character. You can equip armor and make different kinds of weapons to help you in the game. There are many official servers of this game that you can join to play with other players. A server can hold around 50 players and some private servers also allow users to mod the game.

To help with the stability of the game, the servers will restart at least once a day. Let’s go over what you should do when the server restarts.

Conan Exiles Server Restart

Depending upon the server you’ve joined, it will restart daily around 5 AM local time relative to the server. Ideally, it doesn’t take that long and you can play the game again in about 10 minutes. However, when there are issues with the servers or there is a new patch out then the restart can take a bit longer.

So, there is no need to worry if you can’t connect to the server for several hours. For information, you can go to Conan Exiles Twitter to see if they said anything about the server downtime. That way you will be sure when the servers will be back online.

You don’t have to worry about losing any progress or anything because of the server restart. As mentioned above, it just helps with the stability of the game and helps avoid memory-related issues. When the servers are back online your character will be in the same location and none of your items will be affected.

You can go about grinding the game without any worries. Your base will remain the same and you can play the game after servers are back online. When the server restarts, you will be logged out of the game for a few minutes until the servers are done restarting.

It is always best to keep track of the restart timer to avoid unnecessary damage to your character. You need to ensure that your character is in a safe area before the server restart. That way you won’t have to worry about enemies spawning and attacking your character while you’re trying to log into the game. There are not a lot of players active during 5 AM, which is when the servers restart. After the restart is done you can go about playing the game without any trouble.

To Conclude

The servers in Conan Exiles restart on daily basis. So, it is always best to keep track of the timer and make sure that your character is in a safe place during the server restart. You don’t have to worry about losing your progress as this procedure is only there to improve the performance of the servers.

Everything will be in its proper place after the servers are booted up. The restart timer is around 5 AM relative to the location of the server. You can always contact the support team if you’re unable to connect to your server after several hours of downtime.

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