What Are Golf Clash Banners?

You may have noticed a small sign below you and your opponent’s trophy icons if you play Golf Clash frequently. These signs are referred to as ‘’banners’’ in the game and they are there for more than just aesthetic-related reasons. Banners are a way to symbolize multiple different things in the game. Here is a … Read more

Golf Clash Tour 8 Complete Guide

Here is a detailed walkthrough of Golf Clash that can help you learn more about each of the 9 holes found in Tour 8, along with how you can become great at all of them. The guide also talks about the best clubs that you should try for all the different holes. A Guide for … Read more

Golf Clash Tour 6 Complete Guide (Best Club To Use)

Tour 6 definitely isn’t the most competitive tour in all of Golf Clash. However, it can be quite difficult for players that have just started. It is no doubt that you’ll struggle with your first few matches in Tour 6. The players are more experienced and skilled as compared to most of the players you’ve … Read more

Golf Clash: Curl Shot Use Explained

Golf Clash is probably the most realistic simulation of Golf that you can get on your smartphone to play with. While everyone knows that Golf is a game hard to afford for everyone, with Golf Clash you can have the same experience of playing golf without having to get on the course in real. You … Read more

Golf Clash: Complete Ball Guide

In Golf Clash, players don’t seem to give balls the same love as clubs. Balls are as much important as clubs in the game. Although at the start of the game, players don’t need to worry about getting a different ball. But as the game progresses, players will need to buy golf balls for gems. … Read more

Accuracy Explained in Golf Clash

There are plenty of stats that matter when playing Golf Clash. They can affect your shots in multiple ways. These stats are mostly incorporated in a club. A good club has all of these stats packed in with any one of these stats at a very high level. Higher levels require a better club with … Read more

Golf Clash Tour 9 Complete Guide

Tour 9 can be a lot more difficult than the previous Tours. At this point, the game starts to become exceptionally hard. You will start to get very tough opponents in matchmaking. Winning will require you to have a proper strategy. As Tour 9 is near the end game, it is one of the most … Read more

Golf Clash Tour 5 Complete Guide

After you’re done with the first 4 Tours in Golf Clash, the game welcomes you to Tour 5. From this point onwards, you will start getting tougher opponents. Dealing with these tough opponents might be a bit hard for the average player. Golf Clash Tour 5 Guide: This is where our guide comes in. We’ve … Read more

Golf Clash Tour 7 Guide (With Best Clubs and Courses)

Golf Clash is not like an ordinary mobile application/game that you play or might have seen otherwise. It is the best virtual golf experience you can get on your smartphone. There are different levels and holes on Golf Clash and to excite the things, even more, they have introduced some super cool tours that you … Read more

How To Play Tournaments On Golf Clash?

Esports is growing each day with the boom of video games as they not only present you an opportunity to have healthy competition but also are a great way for our youth to showcase their skills and have the right recognition they deserve. There are no second opinions about video games being a popular hobby … Read more

Golf Clash: Shootout holes And How To Win

Every game got a tie, and there are some ways to break that tie. In Golf Clash, you get to break the tie with these shootout holes. The higher you bring up the rank, the more experienced players are matched so the chances of ties are increased simultaneously. Hence, there is a high chance that … Read more

The Golden Shot in Golf Clash (Explained)

Every 2 weeks, there is an event in Golf Clash that presents players with the opportunity to win some great rewards. This event is known as the Golden Shot and requires players to take a single shot in an attempt to earn rewards. What is the Golden Shot in Golf Clash? As mentioned, the Golden … Read more