Refined Storage vs Applied Energistics 2: What’s The Difference?

refined storage vs applied energistics 2
refined storage vs applied energistics 2

Tech-based mods are quite fun to play in Minecraft. There are just so many custom items that you can use. You have to manage the efficiency of your systems. However, for most players, it can be quite complex to manage large systems. This is why it is recommended that you complete the mod tutorial to get a general understanding of how everything works.

In this article, we will be going over two storage-based mods that you can install in Minecraft. Namely, Refined Storage and Applied Energistics 2. Afterward, you can decide which one better suits your gameplay.

Refined Storage vs Applied Energistics 2

Refined Storage

If you are a beginner at the game and don’t know much about how mods are supposed to work then you should use Refined Storage. It is easier to use and it won’t take you much time to understand different aspects of the mod. The best thing about Refined Storage is its cross-mod compatibility.

As compared to Applied Energistics 2 it is easier to grow your network while using Refined storage, this is because there are no channels to worry about in the Refined Storage mod. Another plus point for refined storage is that you don’t have to worry about how you’ll be storing different types of items. All you have to do is use a 4k disc and you’ll be able to store any items into that 4000-item space.

However, the terminals in this mod are not quite as good-looking when compared with Applied Energistics 2. This is why you’ll see the majority of players using Applied Energistics 2. Moreover, Refine Storage is lighter on your server so you don’t have to worry about your servers crashing mid-game. Overall, this mod is very fun and straightforward to play.

Applied Energistics 2

Just like Refined Storage this mod also helps you manage your storage issues. You can build up a whole network to help you expand your system. However, the majority of players find it more complex to use this mod. So, it is not recommended for players who are new to Minecraft mods. It can be quite difficult to understand how the sub-networks are supposed to work and how you’ll be utilizing the P2P tunnel system.

It is quite common for your server to run into performance issues while using this mod. You’re likely to run into lag spikes or having your server freezing up for several seconds. You have to be quite lucky to find all the presses. However, the reason why people prefer using Applied Energistics is the superior fluid crafting feature. Moreover, the addition of extra cells also helps a lot while using this mod.

Applied Energistics 2 can be quite fun once you get familiar with how the different blocks work and how you’re supposed to grow your system. Overall, both of these mods can be quite fun depending upon what aspects you’re looking for. We recommend that you give both of these mods a try to find out which one you’ll enjoy more.

1 thought on “Refined Storage vs Applied Energistics 2: What’s The Difference?”

  1. “”However, the reason why people prefer using Applied Energistics is the superior fluid crafting feature”” wtf Refined Storage has native fluid storage

    Both mods have their use AE2 has a much better stock-keeping of bulk crafted items (export buses can be set to craft not extract, RS crafters can be set to lock or unlock with a redstone pulse)


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