Purchases Are Not Currently Eligible From This Account In WoW: 3 Fixes

purchases are not currently eligible from this account wow
purchases are not currently eligible from this account wow

Microtransactions have now become a part of almost every single online game. You can use real money to buy exclusive items. These items might give you an edge over other players or can be just cosmetics like weapon skins. However, when we are talking about MMOs in-game purchases can help you a lot to boost your progress.

Some players are however not able to make online purchases and are getting an error “purchases are not currently eligible from this account WoW”. Here are some ways you can solve it.

Purchases Are Not Currently Eligible From This Account In WoW

  1. Parental Controls

The most probable cause for this error is that parental controls are activated on your account. If you made the account when you were under 18 or the legal age in your country then you probably have parental controls activated on your account. Blizzard has this system in place to protect the guardians from receiving unexpected bills.

If you want to disable Parental controls then you can either contact Blizzard support and have a professional guide you through every step or you can follow this method.

Log into Battle.net and go to the Retrieve Parental Controls option, after that just enter your Parental controls email and click the send button. Next, you have to check your parental controls email and you will find a message from Blizzard. Click the link provided in that message and you’ll be redirected to the parental control setup page. Under the Purchase settings, the section enables in-game purchases and then saves these settings. After that just launch the game and you’ll be good to go.

  1. Buy from Online Store

It can also be the case that your client or game is bugged which is why it is not allowing you to make in-game purchases. The good thing is that you can try and buy things from the Battle.net online web store. So just go into your browser and navigate to Battle.net and make your microtransaction from there.

  1. Contact Support

If none of the above two fixes work for you then it is highly likely that your account is blocked by Blizzard from making in-game purchases. The only way to resolve this issue is to get in contact with the support team. You can start a chat room or just mail them. They are very responsive and you wouldn’t have to wait much time in fixing this issue. A professional will guide you through every step of the way.

The main reason for an account being blocked by Blizzard support is payment disputes on credit cards. You’ll still have to pay any outstanding fees related to your account if you want to make any further purchases.

These were a few fixes you can follow to solve the error “Purchases are not currently eligible from this account”. Most of the users were able to fix this error by following the parental control method so make sure to double-check whether or not parental controls are activated on your account.

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