4 Ways to Fix the No Player Named is Currently Playing WoW Error

no player named is currently playing wow
no player named is currently playing wow

There is a very common problem with World of Warcraft’s text chat feature which sometimes stops players from communicating with one another through it. This problem mainly occurs when players try to talk to only one other specific player through the whispering option.

Whenever you try to chat with a specific user, the game tells you that no player with the name that you gave is currently playing the game, so you can’t chat with them. The best solutions for this error in World of Warcraft are given below.

How to Fix No Player Named is Currently Playing WoW Error?

  1. Make Sure the Correct Name is Given

It may seem like a stretch, but it’s likely that you’re typing in the wrong name which is why this issue occurs. Make sure that there is absolutely no error with the name you’re typing, such as a spelling mistake, a wrong or extra symbol added, capital letters, or anything of the sort which might make it impossible to identify the player you’re trying to communicate with. Once you’ve made absolutely sure that the correct name is being given but WoW still presents the error message, here’s everything you should try to do.

  1. Write Server Name Next to Player Name

One common mistake that everyone makes which leads to this issue is not typing the server name next to the player’s name with whom they’re trying to communicate. While typing the server name isn’t necessary some of the time, it definitely is compulsory when you’re trying to communicate with some on a different server.

Try to find out which server the user you’re trying to talk to is on and then type the name of said server alongside the name of the player. Now send your message to them and it should likely send without the error message being displayed in the textbook.

  1. Try /Recount Sync

A great and convenient solution for this issue that works a majority of the time is using the command box to type in a specific order. Once the command box is open in World of Warcraft, all that players have to do is type ‘’/recount sync’’ inside of it. Now press enter and the command will be sent to the game to be executed.

This problem is usually caused by recount and typing this specific command in is enough to solve the issue most of the time. Try to send a message after it has been executed and you’ll likely not encounter the error message in the chatbox any longer.

  1. Delete All Add-ons

Add-ons are known to cause many problems with World of Warcraft. If the message you’re trying to send to a specific player still won’t send and the ‘’No Player Named is Currently Playing’’ error is still presented despite trying all of the methods above, delete all the add-ons you have. Now relaunch the game and try to communicate once again. It should surely work this time around.

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