Guild Charter Signatures Not Working in WoW – 3 Solutions

guild charter signatures not working wow
guild charter signatures not working wow

A Guild Charter is a unique item in WoW which can be bought for later use. Players can go all around the different regions of WoW while having this in their inventory to find different players that will sign the charter.

Once the Guild Charter has been signed by the required number of players, it can be turned in to create a new guild. But sometimes the signatures on this charter don’t work as they are intended, and don’t count at all.

If you’re facing an issue such as this with your game, here is a list of some of the most common reasons and solutions for this problem which should help you get it fixed.

How to Fix Guild Charter Signatures Not Working WoW?

  1. Free Trial Accounts

One thing that’s highly important to keep mind while you’re out there searching for signatures in order to start your new guild is the fact that free trial accounts don’t count. If you ever go to a player for their signature and they sign it, their sign will not count if they are using a character that is made on a free trial account.

That said, you need to be careful who you get to sign the Guild Charter as there are certain conditions which make the signature illegible. The solution is simple enough. All you have to do is remove their sign from the charter and then look for other players that’ll sign instead. There’s not much to keep in mind, except for the fact that you should make sure the next signee isn’t on a free trial account and actually has the license to play the game.

  1. Guild Member Signatures

Another condition that is capable of making votes illegible in WoW is already being in another guild. Those characters which are already in another guild to have the option to sign the charter, but the downside is that their signs don’t really count so there isn’t any point in asking them.

While making sure that the signee isn’t on a free trial account, you also have to make sure that they aren’t already a part of another guild. Signees must not be associated with any other guild during the time of the signature on the Guild Charter, otherwise their signature is worthless since it won’t count.

  1. Signature Limit

Lastly, it is also urged that you also try to ensure the signatures on your Guild Charter in WoW aren’t by players that have already signed the same charter using a different character on their account. If you try adding signatures through different characters that belong to the same account, they won’t work at all.

This is a good thing, as it prevents players from creating too many guilds by just using alts on one account. You’ll just have to get different players to sign it with completely different accounts, as that is the only way to make sure that the votes count.

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