2 Ways To Fix Can’t Open Waterlogged Toolbox In WoW

can't open waterlogged toolbox
can’t open waterlogged toolbox

World of Warcraft has so many different items scattered across its highly vast realms that you could say it’s almost impossible to keep track of every single one of them. Out of the thousands of different items in the game, we’ll be discussing one in particular today. This is none other than the infamous Waterlogged Toolbox, an item in the game that holds quite some significance in terms of overall rarity.

If you’re unable to open this toolbox, you definitely aren’t alone. Thousands of players have faced a similar issue over the years ever since the item has been a part of the game, and we’re here to help solve the problem once and for all. Here are the best solutions for this that you can try whenever you encounter the issue.

What to do if You Can’t Open Waterlogged Toolbox Issue

  1. Remove Unique Item

The main and commonly the only reason for this problem are the ‘’Unique’’ items that you get from opening the Waterlogged Toolbox. The thing that you need to notice with these is the title that they’re assigned, which is unique. This means that there can only be a single one of them present at any given moment.

To further elaborate, you can never have two unique items of the same kind inside your bag at any given time. If you ever try to keep two of the same unique items inside of the character bag, the game will simply prevent you from doing so.

The reason why this has such a big effect on the Waterlogged Toolbox and is probably the reason you can’t open it is that the box only offers unique items. That said, you will not be able to open it if you already have a unique item on your character. The solution to the problem is obvious enough after reading all of this.

All you have to do is store all your unique items inside the bank and try to open the Waterlogged Toolbox once again. It should work this time around without any further problems being presented to players.

  1. Contact Blizzard Support

Secondly and lastly, we recommend that you contact Blizzard support regarding your problem if the first solution wasn’t enough to solve the problem. The Waterlogged Toolbox usually only doesn’t open when you already have a unique item on you.

If you don’t have one of these items and have made absolutely sure of this but the problem still persists, then this is a bug with the game itself which there is no known solution for except for contacting support.

Inform them of your problem by filing a ticket and answer any questions that you’re asked regarding the game. Support will be able to provide you a solution for the problem shortly afterward or fix the issue themselves after telling you to wait for a while.

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