Water Elemental Not Attacking In WoW: 4 Fixes

water elemental not attacking wow
water elemental not attacking wow

Pets are an important part of every MMORPG game, from BDO to world of warcraft having a pet with good stats can make your gameplay quite easier. Pets have usually auto-cast abilities which you can turn on and they will attack anything they find hostile.

Pets also have auto-gathering abilities which help you in gathering loot while your character fights more monsters. This increases your chances of improving your gear and getting more out of killing mobs. You also have to buy feeds that pets eat to retain health and increase companionship level.

Water Elemental Not Attacking In WoW

Every pet has its abilities depending upon which class you are choosing. Each class has its strong points and weak matchups. The water elemental is a caster pet and can-do long-range attacks instead of melee.

Some people prefer to keep pets on passive while entering dungeons and just follow your character. A lot of people reported issues with water elemental not attacking in WoW. Following are a few methods you can follow to solve this issue.

1) Make Sure Auto-Cast is on 

Pets won’t be using attacks unless auto-cast is on. Even if you have the pet mode set to assist or defensive. So, make sure that there is a glittery line going across the border of your pet’s skill. If not then right-click on the pet skill book and activate it. Most people are not aware that they have to set auto-cast on which is why their pet doesn’t seem to be doing anything when you’re in boss fights.

2) Use Macro

It might also be the case that your pet is set to passive. You can manually input a macro to make your pet use its abilities. By following the patter #showtooltip, /cast Frostbolt, and then /petattack. It will most probably fix the issue for you. Having a key bind set for your macros can speed up the process. Before the start of every fight, you can set your pet to either passive mode or assist mode.

3) Re summon Pet

If the auto-cast is on and you have also tried using a macro but your pet is still not attacking then you should try re-summoning the pet. There is a great chance that your game is bugged and you’re seeing the pet while it is not summoned. Resummoning the pet will put things back to normal and you will notice your pet being active again.

4) Blizzard support

If nothing is working for you and your pet is still not responsive then you should get in contact with the customer support at blizzard. Your account is likely bugged and blizzard can help you sort out this issue. Just open up a thread at blizzard forums and make the developers aware of your issue.

Following these methods will most definitely sort out the issue of water elemental not attacking for you. The most probable cause is still auto-cast being off on most player’s profiles so make sure to double-check a golden line going across the border of your pet’s skill.

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