SM Ruin vs DS Ruin WoW- Which One’s Better?

sm ruin vs ds ruin wow
sm ruin vs ds ruin wow

Warlock is one of the many classes from which the player can choose from. For each class in WoW, the player can opt for various builds that all contribute to how his character will perform in the game. As a result, players like to run different builds on their characters.

SM Ruin vs DS Ruin in WoW

SM Ruin and DS Ruin are two of the most popular builds that players like to run for their Warlocks. Both of them are mostly used for having specific benefits that aren’t offered by other builds. However, players seem to be comparing the two builds with each other.

Today, we will also be comparing SM Ruin vs DS Ruin with each other. Through the article, we will be discussing all the builds and which one you should choose for your character. So, let’s get right into it!

Which One’s Better for Raid?

When comparing both the builds, the very first thing to know is that both the builds are mostly used for raids. Hence, it is obvious that one may want to know which one of them is better for raids. Although there isn’t a significant difference between the two, there is, however, one thing where SM Ruin falls short.

The SM Ruin needs a de-buff slot for bosses in order to use Corruption which helps in maximizing your DPS. This is also the reason why in an organized raiding guild, you may be asked to not run an SM Ruin. DS Ruin is purely oriented for raids, as all of the benefits that it gives are for raids.

But What About PVP?

As already mentioned above, you will want to run DS Ruin build for raids as it is designed to be only used in raids. Unfortunately, the build seems to suck in other activities.

On the other hand, it seems that SM Ruin is a much better build, especially for PVP. It gives you plenty more options on how you decide to approach your opponent. For instance, it gives you the ability to use your pet.

The Better Choice?

If you still can’t decide on which one of the builds you should opt for, then determine exactly what activities you usually do. DS Ruin will give you the utmost damage which makes it ideal for raids. However, SM Ruin gives you more options and flexibility, while also not having much of a difference in damage.

So, it really depends on what activities you mostly do with your Warlock.

The Bottom Line

Comparing SM Ruin vs DS Ruin, here are all the different things that you will need to know about them. After reading the article, you should have a better time choosing the right build for you.

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