Razer Viper Ultimate vs Deathadder V2 Pro – Which is Powerful?

razer viper ultimate vs deathadder v2 pro
razer viper ultimate vs deathadder v2 pro

The Razer company manufactured these two mice for gaming purposes. Users all over the globe buy these mice for gaming and normal use. It is because of the durability and the specifications these mice are equipped with. Moreover, the Razer Viper Ultimate is a wireless mouse while the Deathadder V2 Pro is a wired one.

If you want to buy one of these mice and want to compare these two with one another, then we are here to help you with a detailed comparison guide given below which will help you to get inside these mice. As a result of that, you will be able to make a perfect decision according to your preferences.

Razer Viper Ultimate vs Deathadder V2 Pro

1. DPI

The DPI is also known as dots per inch which is basically the sensitivity of the mouse.  Today, different mice come with a range of DPI that you can select from. While higher DPI does not necessarily mean that you will have a better experience, having the option to choose from a wider range of DPI is always the better choice.

Though in the case of these two mice, there really isn’t that big of a difference between DPI which is why you should be safe with either one of these.

2. Price

Price plays a major role in deciding between both the mice.  It is because, both the mice have almost the same features. However, the Razer Viper Ultimate is surprisingly more expensive than the Deathadder V2 Pro. Therefore, it is up to you which mouse you want to buy and can afford.

3. Connection

As we know, the mouse is connected to the PC or laptop via wire or through a wireless connection. Therefore, it is very important to know which one you want to buy. It is because the Razer Viper Ultimate is a wireless mouse and the Deathadder V2 Pro is a wired mouse. Hence, it completely boils down to what you prefer.

4. Weight

Most gamers consider their mouse to be lightweight and easy to handle. The Razer Viper Ultimate is a bit lighter than the Deathadder V2 Pro, which makes it a perfect choice for you if you want to purchase a light weighted mouse. However, there are also players who prefer gaming mice that have a bit of weight on them.

5. Grip

For gamers, the grip is also another important thing when buying a mouse. Simply put, the Razer Viper Ultimate is made for people with bigger hands while the Deathadder V2 Pro is made for people who have small hands. It is because the length of the Razer Viper Ultimate is slightly bigger than the Deathadder V2 Pro.

6. Connectivity

On the other hand, while buying a mouse for gaming purposes you should consider the mouse which has better connectivity. As we know, the Razer Viper Ultimate is a wireless mouse that runs on a battery while the Deathadder V2 Pro is a wired mouse. However, it is worth mentioning that the Razer Viper Ultimate can have some issues while connecting. Compared to it, the Deathadder V2 should be able to directly connect to your PC through a cable without any issues.

7. Battery

Another key point that you should observe is that the Razer Viper Ultimate runs on a battery while the Deathadder is directly connected to the PC. Therefore, Deathadder V2 Pro is a better option if you hate the idea of charging your mouse every time before playing the game.


It can be seen in the above-mentioned paragraphs that both the mice have their specifications. On the other hand, both of them also have some pros and cons. Therefore, it is up to you which mouse you want to buy according to your preferences. Comparing the two, the Razer Viper Ultimate is a wireless mouse while the Deathadder V2 Pro is a wired one. Furthermore, the Deathadder V2 Pro has a lower price than the Razer Viper Ultimate. Therefore, you should go for the Deathadder V2 pro because it has the same specifications as the Razer Viper Ultimate but with a lower price tag.

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