3 Ways To Fix You Do Not Have Permission To View The Message History On Discord

discord you do not have permission to view the message history
discord you do not have permission to view the message history

When it comes to social apps, Discord is adored by users as the application brings in various ways you can interact with other users. Through Discord, you can learn all about what your friends have been up to and text them whenever you want. When joining a Discord server, you should normally be able to see all messages sent in a channel. Talking about this, we have seen certain users run into trouble while viewing such messages. They have mentioned how they got the message “You do not have permission to view the message history on Discord.” To troubleshoot this particular issue, consider following the instructions mentioned below:

You Do Not Have Permission To View The Message History On Discord

1. Refreshing the Page

It could be that the reason why you are unable to view these messages on Discord is because of a simple bug in the application. If that seems to be the case, then the first thing you can do to fix it is to refresh the whole Discord page.

To do this, all you have to do is to press CTRL + R on your keyboard which should automatically refresh your Discord. Alternatively, you can also try restarting the application.

2. You Might Not Have Permission

Another reason why you might not be able to access and see these messages could be because you might not have permission to do so. More specifically, it could be that the server owner has not permitted you to view old text messages.

To confirm whether that is the case, you can check for your roles inside the Discord server. If your role does not have the given permission to view old message history, then the only thing you can do is to ask an admin to permit you.

3. Contacting Support

If you are still having trouble viewing the message history, then we recommend getting in touch with the support team. Be sure to let them know about the issue that you are facing. Similarly, they should give you further suggestions on why you might not be able to view a specific message history on a Discord server. In case of any confusion, feel free to ask them about it.

The Bottom Line:

“You do not have the permission to view the message history on Discord” is a common message that you will get if the server’s admin hasn’t given you the role for viewing old text messages. But if you wish to view these messages on a Discord server, you will have to bring this up to the admins of the server and ask them to permit you for doing so.

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