4 Ways To Fix SteelSeries Stratus XL Trigger Problem

steelseries stratus xl trigger problem
steelseries stratus xl trigger problem

The SteelSeries Stratus XL is a gamepad that you can use with your android phone as well. The design and general layout of this controller are somewhat similar to the Xbox controllers. However, a few differences can be found as it has a few more buttons in the middle of the controller. After pairing you can use the controller with your android or PC.

However, some users did bring up issues with the trigger of SteelSeries Stratus XL where they are unable to get the trigger to work properly. Here are some solutions for the SteelSeries Stratus XL Trigger problem.

SteelSeries Stratus XL Trigger Problem

  1. Claim Warranty

If you believe that your controller has hardware issues then before trying anything else, you should ask your suppliers for a replacement. As the warranty voids as soon as you tamper with the controller.

So, to be safe it is recommended that you don’t try to open up the device and ask the store to send you a replacement by claiming the warranty. You can try updating the firmware and changing batteries but if your warranty is still in effect then avoid opening up the controller to fix it.

  1. Calibrate Dead zone

You can connect the controller with your PC and go through the calibration process to determine whether the triggers are being registered or not. The different issues with the triggers include triggering spamming even though you’ve not pressed the trigger and the other issue is the trigger being unresponsive.

You can also calibrate the dead zone using the windows gamepad configuration settings, which can help you get around the spamming issue otherwise just ask your supplier to send you a new controller.

  1. Disassemble Controller

If you’re sure that the controller has hardware issues and you can’t get a replacement order from your store then you can either disassemble the controller yourself or take it to a repair shop and have a tech expert take a look at it your triggers. There is a chance that you might permanently damage your device in this process so it is always better to get help from an expert if you can’t afford to lose the controller.

However, if you’re confident in your skills then use a screwdriver to open up the back panel of the controller. There you’ll find the controller board and the triggers connected to the board. As you press the trigger you will notice the arm connected to the trigger will also move which will register the button press.

So, depending upon your issue you can either loosen up the screw if your trigger is spamming or tighten it if your trigger is unresponsive. Make sure to only make minor adjustments to avoid permanent damage to the controller.

  1. Official Support

If you don’t want to risk disassembling the controller then try asking the official support team for possible ways to fix the trigger problem. Depending upon your situation the support team will guide you through troubleshooting steps that can fix the trigger problem.

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