3 Basic Methods To Connect SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless To PS5

how to connect steelseries arctis pro wireless to ps5
how to connect steelseries arctis pro wireless to ps5

The SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless is a solid headset that comes with tons of features that are all oriented towards providing you with some of the best audio experiences while you game. However, if you own a console like a PS5, then chances are that you might be wondering how to connect the SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless to the console.

To learn exactly how you can effectively use the headset without using any kind of wired setup, here are some of the things that you will need to know:

How to Connect SteelSeries Arctis Pro Wireless to PS5?

1. Charge the Headset

The first step you should attempt before making a wireless connection is to charge the headphone’s battery. As we know if the battery is not charged then you will not be able to connect the headset with the PS5. Therefore, charge the battery to establish a wireless connection.

2. Install Latest Firmware

It is necessary to install the latest firmware on the SteelSeries Arctis Pro before connecting it to the PS5. By doing this, you can connect the headset easily without any connection loss.

3. Connection

After you are done installing the firmware, connect the DAC with the front or rear USB port via USB cable. Then press the main knob to enter the menu of the headset. When the menu is displayed, scroll down by using the knob and select PS4 in the game DAC. You can enter the menu by pressing the knob for approximately two seconds. By doing this the firmware will add PS4 source mode.

Once you are done connecting the headset, the PS5 will automatically start using the headset and the microphone. Moreover, you can check this by going to the settings and then selecting the sound option. Afterward, select the microphone option and test it by speaking into the headset microphone to confirm if it is working or not.  In addition, you can also check the audio output by selecting the volume option. As a result of it, you will be able to hear sound in the headset which will confirm that your headset is connected to the PS5.


If you are a new user of the SteelSeries Arctis Pro and you want to connect it to the PS5 then attempt the steps mentioned below.

  • Charge the headset
  • Install the latest firmware
  • Then establish the connection through the menu.

These are the steps to connect the SteelSeries Arctis Pro with the PS5. However, if you are still struggling to connect this headset with the PS5 then watch some tutorials for connecting the headset easily. You can also contact the technical support by emailing them if you cannot connect the headphones with the PS5 even after watching the tutorials.

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