Why Some Players Hate Genji In Overwatch?

hate genji overwatch
hate genji overwatch

Overwatch is a renowned team-oriented First-Person Shooter game, played online and is often referred to as a “Hero Shooter” where players select from a diverse roster of characters that come with unique combat abilities and skills and battle each other in various modes of gameplay usually 6 v 6. The heroes are classified into 3 categories; Tank, Damage or Support, and teams are built around each other’s hero attributes and skills.

Why Some Players Hate Genji In Overwatch?

Most often than not, there are some hero picks that infuriate players either due to the fact that a particular hero is too “Overpowered” or the pick doesn’t match the team composition and is a hassle to deal with if on the enemy side. Genji Shimada is one of those characters and the internet is filled with people spewing their anger at the cyborg ninja for simply being too good to handle.

Even after a few minor tweaks, Genji remains more or less the same since his character debuted and most players are at a loss at how to deal with him on the opposing side. He arguably has the strongest non-ultimate ability in the game where he can basically steal other heroes’ abilities and even reflect normal hits or shots on back onto the attacker to save himself.

He is also incredibly agile and fast, and his Dash ability makes him a nuisance in grouped areas where he can slide in and deal intense damage to the team as a whole and getting a kill or assist with his Swift Strike can enable him to use the ability again instantly making team takedowns even easier.

Combined with his normal abilities, his Ultimate makes him an unstoppable eliminator and he can dash in and swing his blade around and kill almost anyone in his reach. In the right hands, Genji is a force of destruction and players are enraged whenever they have to go up against him in a match.

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