5 Practices For Solving Fortnite Error Code 2123-1502

fortnite error code 2123-1502
fortnite error code 2123-1502

Even those that haven’t played Fortnite have usually heard some details about it, which goes to show what a big impact the title has had on the battle royale genre and gaming in general. To the joy of Nintendo Switch users, the game was finally released on the platform in Mid-2018. Like all other versions of the game, this one has thousands of active players. Not all of them have fond experiences though. Lots of users have complained about facing certain errors when trying to play Fortnite. Some players have even run into issues when simply trying to download the game to play it for the first time. Today, we’ll be discussing one of them. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the troubleshooting steps you can use to resolve Fortnite error code 2123-1502. Keep reading to learn more.

Fortnite Error Code 2123-1502

1. Simply Retry

One of the main and by far the simplest solutions for this annoying issue is to simply retry the game’s download. When the error message pops up, hit the “OK” button to close it. The console will let you know that the installation process has been canceled. You’ll be given another button to press, which says “continue”. If you click on this, your Nintendo Switch will retry downloading Fortnite.

For lots of players, this second attempt turns out to work much better. But, you might have to be stubborn and reattempt it several times too. It shouldn’t take too long, and you only have to do it 7-10 times at the most. After that, it’s best to move on to other options. So, consider giving that a shot before wasting your time exploring other troubleshooting tips.

2. Reset Your Internet Connection

Since this is an internet-related issue, sometimes a simple reset of the connection can be all it takes. That said, go to your router and turn it off for just about half a minute. Once that time passes, restart the device go to your Nintendo Switch’s settings, and forget your usual Wi-Fi connection from there.

Now insert the correct password and attempt to start the download again. With all of these steps properly followed, the annoying error message shouldn’t appear this time. Eventually, Fortnite should be installed hassle-free, and you’ll be able to play the game again.

3. Restart The Nintendo Switch

The last of the simpler fixes is to simply restart the Nintendo Switch and reattempt the download. If you’ve been using the console for a long, we don’t need to tell you what to do for this. Just power it down and back on again after a few moments, then retry adding Fortnite to your system.

4. Clear The Switch’s Cache

It’s recommended that you clear the console’s cache memory now and then. If not, you might encounter issues with certain games or features. An example of this is the problem you’re currently facing. The process is simple enough, so don’t worry about spending too much time figuring things out.

Turn on the Nintendo Switch and make your way into the settings from the HOME Menu. In the settings, you’ll find a section for “System”. Click on this and locate the “reset cache” option inside. If there are multiple accounts, you’ll be asked which specific users to clear the cache for. Select them all, or at least your main account. Now try to start the download again to see if it works.

5. Set Static IP

One last thing left to try is setting up a Static IP and reattempting the download. To do this, open up any browser of your choice and open your router’s portal by typing in your ISP-provided IP. You’ll be asked to input a username and password. In most cases, both of them will be “admin”.

From this portal, go to the settings and locate a section for “network”. There, you’ll have the choice to change the connection type. It might be set to Dynamic IP for now, but you can set it to Static instead. Now restart the router and attempt the download. Fortnite should be installed on your Nintendo Switch.

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