Discord Permissions Not Working: 3 Ways To Fix

discord permissions not working
discord permissions not working

Discord is mainly a chatting app that has become really popular in the last few years. There are lots of different apps that can be used to chat out there, but the reason why Discord in particular has become so popular is its features. There are lots of cool things that you can do thanks to the features of Discord, and one of these features is the permissions mechanic. This allows you to assign specific roles to each member of a server, or determine their permissions in other words. If you wish to use this feature as well but it isn’t working, here are a few fixes that should clear the issue for you.

How to Fix Discord Permissions Not Working?

  1. Server Mod

You obviously won’t be able to use the permissions feature on Discord if you aren’t the mod of the server. Only mods get to decide the roles or permissions of each and every single member in the group. This means that you won’t be able to use the feature if you aren’t one. Make sure that you’re the mod of your own Discord server before trying to use the permissions feature on Discord, otherwise, there’s absolutely no chance it’s going to work. If you’re a mod but the issue still persists, here’s what to do.

  1. Double Check Everyone’s Roles

There’s an option in the permission feature which allows you to assign every single member’s role at once by using the @everyone tag. Check to make sure that you didn’t accidentally use this and give every single member of the server the same role. For example, if you gave every member administrative permissions, then the permission feature will have no effect and won’t work because everyone has the same roles and permissions.

You can check this by going to the roles section on your server. From this section, you’ll find the role of all those that are a part of the server, and you’ll find the role of @everyone too. Make sure that you haven’t provided everyone the same permissions so that the feature can actually work and come into effect. Also make sure that you only modify the @everyone role and not any others’, as it will ruin the settings.

  1. Override the Channel

Another good option would be to override the channel in order to get the permissions/role feature to work properly again. You can do this by simply adding a single admin role to the server. After this, you have to mess around with the settings in order to get the feature working again. The main thing that you have to do is enable the setting which says Manage Messages. Tick this option from all the different settings and then try to see if the permissions on Discord are working again. This should or the previous two solutions are given before it should all be able to help you get things working again.

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