Discord Not Detecting League Of Legends: 3 Ways To Fix

discord not detecting league of legends
discord not detecting league of legends

League of Legends is one of the most popular games out there, and there’s a great reason for this. There haven’t been many other games that are capable of providing a great competitive experience like League of Legends. The game is based not only own one’s personal skill but also on their ability to work together with others as a team and form great strategies and team-compositions.

All this is much easier to do with friends and with voice chat, which is why lots of people use League of Legends and Discord together. But there are some instances where players might encounter some problems while trying to do this.

How to Fix Discord Not Detecting League of Legends?

Discord sometimes doesn’t detect League of Legends which limits some features. If you’re trying to use both applications at once but Discord won’t detect League of Legends for you, here are some things you can try to do.

  1. Run Both Discord and LoL as Administrators

The most common solution for this problem is also the simplest one that you’ll find. Discord sometimes has problems detecting lots of games and League of Legends is one of them. Simply running Discord and League of Legends at the same time as administrators should be enough to get it working again. All you have to do is right-click on the icons of both applications and then choose the option which says ‘Run as Administrator’ out of all the different options that will appear. Once both of them are running again, Discord should detect League of Legends.

  1. Update Discord

It could be that needing to update Discord is all you need to do in order for it to start detecting League of Legends again. Discord poses problems for users if it hasn’t been updated to the latest version. Normally, the application updates itself whenever a new update is released but there are some cases where players have to do it manually. Use your browser to check online and learn more about any new updates for Discord that might have released recently. If there is a new update, install it on your device immediately and Discord should start detecting League of Legends immediately.

  1. Buggy Update

Speaking of updates, there are some cases where the latest update that you installed is the one that’s causing the problem in the first place. Some updates can be buggy which can lead to issues like this occurring frequently until another update is released that fixes the issue. Go online on any platform which actively features discussions regarding Discord or LoL and ask if others are encountering a similar issue after installing any new updates.

If it is indeed because of a new update, then there’s nothing much that you can do for the time being except for reporting the issue to Discord on their support page. They’ll eventually release another update which will fix any issues like this and the application will start detecting LoL again.

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