Razer Basilisk V2 vs Razer Basilisk V3 Comparison (6 Elements)

razer basilisk v3 vs v2
razer basilisk v3 vs v2

Razer company products are bought by many consumers all over the globe. Their products are made for gaming purposes. Moreover, the consumers trust their product due to the quality and the backup they offer the user. All the users are really happy with their products, because of the built quality and the durability their products have. Though some consumers often compare the Razer Basilisk V2 and V3 so that they can decide which mouse they should buy. For this reason, we have provided a detailed comparison to help you make a perfect decision.

Razer Basilisk V3 Vs V2 Comparison

1. DPI

As we know, the DPI-Dot per inch is the main thing you should look for while considering a mouse to buy. Moreover, mouse with higher DPI range is always appreciated. It is because when the DPI range is high then you get a lot of space to fluctuate the mouse’s sensitivity according to your preference. As we know that the Razer Basilisk V2 is an older version of V3, it still is a good mouse. But the V3 is better due to its high DPI rate and good sensitivity.

2. Smoothness

The smoothness is another key factor you should always check in a mouse before buying it. It is because smoothness allows the user to scroll on the screen without any lag. Hence, if the mouse is smooth then do not hesitate before buying it.

As we know, the Razer Basilisk V2 is a very smooth mouse, but it is not smoother than the Razer Basilisk V3. Thus, you should consider Razer Basilisk V3 if you want to buy a smoother mouse.

3. Price

On the other hand, the price is also a factor consumer is worried about before purchasing a mouse. If you are considering buying a Razer Basilisk V3 then it is a very good choice because of the specifications it is equipped with.

However, the Razer Basilisk V2 is also a good mouse and it is cheaper than the V3 because it is an older version of it. Moreover, it does not have those specifications the V3 is equipped with. Therefore, it is up to you if you want to go for specifications or price.

4. Comfort

Another thing that is very important for gamers is the comfort and the grip of the mouse. It is because, while playing the game, fingers get tired. For this reason, the gamers want a mouse that is comfortable and has a better and smoother grip. Therefore, if you also want a mouse that is comfortable and smooth then Razer Basilisk V3 is the one.

5. Buttons

Gaming mice are equipped with many programmable buttons which perform different tasks during the game. The gamers always go for the mouse which has more buttons because they can perform different tasks easily just by pressing the button. Thus, if you also want to buy a mouse that has more buttons then you should consider Razer Basilisk V3.

6. Sensor

Aside from all the specifications, the main thing that a consumer should consider in a mouse is a better sensor. It is because the mouse with a better sensor scrolls more easily and smoothly on screen than the one with the normal sensor. For this reason, you should always consider the Razer Basilisk V3 because it has a better sensor than the V2.


If you want to compare Razer Basilisk V2 and V3 then you should go for the one which is better in the following specifications.

  • Dot per inch
  • Sensitivity
  • Smoothness
  • Price
  • Comfort
  • Buttons
  • Sensors

Being a newer model of the mouse, the Razer Basilisk V3 has more specifications than the V2. Therefore, for this reason, you should always consider the V3. On the other hand, if you want to buy a mouse that is cheap and has almost the same quality as the V3 is equipped with. Then you should go for the Razer Basilisk V2.

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