3 Troubleshooting Tips For Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 Problems

Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 Problems
Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 Problems

The Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 is meant specifically for use while playing video games, These headphones are very reliable and comfortable to use. But, that doesn’t mean they’re free of all issues. While using the Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 its users came across some problems. Therefore, Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 problems that lots of people have faced are given below, along with some helpful tips to help you deal with the.

Troubleshooting the Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 Problems

1. Mic Not Working

Users of the Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 complained that the mic of their headset is not working properly. The reason behind this problem is the wrong setting or the damage to the headset cable. To resolve this problem, you need to check a few things and reconfigure the headset according to the given steps.

  • Ensure that the chat volume connecting the wireless headset to the Xbox 360 controller is turned up. If it is not, then you may be able to hear the game audio but the people you are chatting with will not hear your voice.
  • Make sure the voice chat settings in the Voice section of the Xbox 360 settings are turned up. You can do this by navigating to “Settings,” “Preferences” and then “Voice.” Turn the Voice volume up if it is not already. Also, ensure the voice chat connecting to the controller to the headset is not muted.
  • Make sure the cable connecting the headset to the controller is firmly connected.
  • Check the cable connecting the headset to the Xbox 360 controller for any potential damage. Also, if possible, try using a different headset. By doing this, if that headset works, then the cable connecting your headset to the controller may need to be replaced.

2. Headset Hissing or Buzzing

People that use this popular headset have also mentioned that they felt some hissing or buzzing sound in the headset while using it during the stream. This problem may cause due to a setting problem or due to the low battery of the headset. To resolve this issue to need to check the few things about the headset which are mentioned below.

  • Turn down the master game volume on the Xbox 360. You can do this by navigating to “Settings,” “Preferences” and then “Voice,” then turning the Game Volume down.
  • The level of the chat volume can also result in hissing headphones. Try lowering the chat volume to see if the hissing subsides.
  • Low batteries can also result in a higher than normal hissing noise. Try replacing the batteries to see if the hissing subsides.

3. Popping, Clicking, Or Dropped Audio

Moreover, the users of the Turtle Beach Ear Force X41 also experienced popping and clicking sounds in the headset, and sometimes the audio in the headset dropped during the stream. The reason behind this problem is too much distance between the headset and the transmitter. To resolve this problem, you need to follow the few things which are mentioned below.

  • First, you have to start with making sure that you have your headset is within 20 feet of your transmitter which is the specified range.
  • Ensure that there isn’t any item or object that might interfere between the two devices. This issue often happens when your transmitter is sitting on the ground.
  • Lastly, you have to make sure that you have all such devices that might interfere with the signals turned off. Some of these devices include baby monitors, routers that work wirelessly, radios, cell phones, or even cordless phones. If any such devices operate on the same frequency as your transmitter, you are bound to run into problems.


These are some of the problems that can show up in your Turtle Beach Ear Force X41. By reading this article,  you will be able to address the reasons behind the problems that popped up in your headset and resolve them with ease. Moreover, if you want that your headset runs without any trouble then you have to update all the software of the headset, and always keep the battery fully charged.

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