4 Reasons Why Your Sims 3 Password Is Not Working

sims 3 password not working
sims 3 password not working

It can be quite frightening to forget the password to your game’s account. However, what’s even more frightening is to keep getting the incorrect password prompt even when you know that you are inputting the right code. Regarding this, we have been hearing a lot of complaints from users about their Sims 3 password not working at all. In case you also seem to be stuck with the same issue and are in desperate need of a fix, then this article is for you! Here are all the things that you can do to get the issue fixed:

Sims 3 Password Not Working

1. Clearing Your Browser’s Cache

There’s the possibility of your browser’s cache or settings messing up with your account. If that is so, then you will have to clear these details from your browser which should refresh the whole browser.

To clear the browser’s cache, you will have to access the settings. In this tab, look for your browser’s history, and make sure to clean everything. This also includes cleaning cookies. Once you are done, try restarting the browser and check if the issue persists.

2. Use Another Browser

Alternatively, if clearing your browser’s cache didn’t seem to help, you can still try using another browser. For instance, if you were using Internet Explorer, you can try using Google Chrome. Whatever browser you choose, just make sure to change it from the one that you have been previously using.

3. Deleting Saved Cache File

If you notice the issue to be with your game and not the browser, then there’s a good chance that you might be under the threat of a bug. If that is so, then you may have to delete a few files. More specifically, try going to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3.

In this directory, you should be able to find a file that has the same name as your Email address. All you have to do is to delete this file. Try restarting your computer after which it should start working again.

4. Resetting Account Details

If nothing seems to work, then you can try resetting your account details. You can try the option to forget your password which should automatically prompt you to enter new details for your account.

In case you are still struggling with the issue, you can try taking this up to customer support for additional help on the matter.

The Bottom Line:

Is your password not working for Sims 3? If the issue seems to be specific to your browser, then clearing the cache and cookies of the browser should be enough for getting rid of the issue. Though if it is also happening in-game, then you may have to delete a file from the saved folder location of the Sims 3. To learn more, be sure to go through the article above.

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