4 Troubleshoot Tips For Rust Crashing on Loading Manifest Assets

rust crashing on loading manifest assets
rust crashing on loading manifest assets

If you are playing Rust, there is a possibility that you could have a problem while loading your game, at which point you will get the notification “RUST has crashed!”

This usually means that the game is unable to locate one or more of the assets on your computer that are necessary for the game to operate in the correct manner.

The good news is that there are a lot of methods to fix this problem, and in this article, we will go through the most prevalent problems and how to fix them!

Fixing Rust Crashing on Loading Manifest Assets:

  1. Corrupted Files

Corrupted files are the most common reason that rust is crashing when loading manifest assets. It’s easy to check this by opening your project folder in Windows Explorer and looking at the file size of each asset.

If the file size doesn’t match up, then it might be corrupted. In this case you can go back to Unity and try importing again or look at a previous version of the asset until you find one that works.

If you have multiple versions of the same asset and only some are working, then chances are there was an issue with the specific file causing a crash. You can replace these bad files manually with newer versions and see if the problem persists.

  1. Outdated Version Of Asset Loader

Since the release of the new asset loader in 1.6.2, it has been found that some assets will not load. This is a problem because many mods are being updated to use the new asset loader and cannot be accessed by players who do not have it installed.

One of the most common reasons for this is that two mods are both trying to load a file with the same name but in different folders.

To fix this, one mod should either change its filename or include the folder prefix in front of its filename when loading.

  1. Missing Files

If your game crashes when loading assets, there are many potential causes. One cause is missing files in the manifest.

You can verify that you have all the necessary files by looking at your assets-manifest.json file, and comparing it to the list of files in your assets folder.

Make sure that every asset in the manifest is also present in the assets folder, with a matching filename. Also make sure to check if any folders or subfolders have been missed out from your manifest file.

  1. Bad URL In Package.Json

One of the most common reasons that Rust crashes when loading manifest assets is if the URL in your package.json file is incorrect.

If you’re using a CDN, make sure to update it so that it points to the correct location. Otherwise, make sure that it matches the file path listed in your manifest file.

In order to do this, open the asset files tab and match up each asset with its corresponding JSON data.

Once they are matched up, press CTRL+ENTER on the one that is wrong and select ‘Edit Source’ from the drop-down menu at the bottom right-hand corner of that window. Type in the correct address (or copy/paste) and then save it by pressing CTRL+S or clicking ‘Save’.

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