Rainbow Six Siege Trophies Are Not Unlocking? (4 Things To Do)

rainbow six siege trophies not unlocking
rainbow six siege trophies not unlocking

The Rainbow six siege is a popular game known for its unique graphics. The game allows users to simulate what a siege looks like virtually. It is a tactical shooter game with the convenience of an easy one-shot kill. The graphics and design speak for themself and are influenced by actual life events.

However, despite the brilliant operating system behind the game, a few glitches have been reported. You’re not alone if you can’t seem to unlock a few of your trophies on Rainbow six siege. If that’s the case, here’s everything you need to do to unlock those trophies.

How to Fix Rainbow Six Siege Trophies Not Unlocking?

1. Redo the Challenges

As painful as this may sound, the easiest way to get your trophies back is to redo all the challenges. If you could do it once, you can do it again. The primary reason why you can’t seem to access trophies is that the inbuilt programming was yet again changed by the developers.

Although there’s very little chance that you’ll have access to your previous trophies, there are two things you can do. One, seize the level you’re currently playing and wait for the developers to explain. Or the second option, where you stop wasting time and start playing from the beginning. This way, you’ll have the guarantee that you’ll have access to all your trophies.

2. Play as a single operator: 

Playing as a single operator is not always fun, but right now, it seems like the need of the hour. We suggest you play ranked multiplayer as a single operator to access your trophies. This is an easy trick. All you have to do is play one round as a single operator for each of the operators. About 20 operators operate on the rainbow six siege, of which half is for attack and the other half for defence.

You’ll have to play each of these as a single operator for one game and get easy access to all your locked trophies again.

3. Time to stop using a tracker

Most players prefer using a tracker to keep a count of their kills. You should avoid using a tracker until the locked trophy issue gets sorted out. A disadvantage of using a tracker is keeping track of the wrong record. The number of rounds tracked across each operation tends to be unranked and rarely counts towards the trophy.

You’re mistaken if you believe your rounds compile up, unlocking a trophy.

So how does one unlock a trophy? You have to play a round of a ranked match. This is the foolproof technique to unlock trophies. However, playing a quick game instead of a ranked match can also help get you the desirable score.

4. Try enjoying the game instead.

It’s pretty understandable how important trophies are and help a player feel a sense of achievement. However, in this case, if you’re a true player, take things slowly and enjoy the experience instead. Focus on playing the game for its excellent graphics and efficient programming; the trophies and rewards can wait a while.

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