3 Ways To Fix Project Nevada HUD Extensions Error

project nevada hud extensions error
project nevada hud extensions error

Project Nevada is one of the most popular mods out there for Fallout: New Vegas. It doesn’t completely change the game from top to bottom, but it does introduce many new things that players can enjoy. This includes new storylines, new weapons, and much more of the sort.

While playing the mod itself can be quite fun, setting it up is one of the more difficult parts if you’re not familiar with modding. Issues with this setup can lead to issues like the Project Nevada HUD extension error, which can be solved through the following fixes.

How to Solve Project Nevada HUD Extensions Error?

  1. Use a Management Mod

Sometimes there are simply too many mods working at once for users to properly manage each of them and use them correctly. That’s why there are entirely separate mods made in turn to manage these other mods. We recommend trying out one of these as they’ll help keep all HUD extensions in check while ensuring that no such error occurs again. The one in particular which works best with Project Nevada is UIO.

UIO stands for Use Interface Organizer and is available to download for free through an internet browser. It offers ease of usage and can be set up to work with all your Project Nevada modifications so that it conveniently takes care of all the important bits for you. If this particular mod isn’t to your liking there are many other similar options out there too, so that’s nothing to worry about either.

  1. Disable and Enable All Add-Ons

The next solution is very simple yet surprisingly effective. It simply requires users to disable all add-ons they have installed for Fallout: New Vegas and enable them back. This includes Project Nevada and any extensions related to it. Simply disable these and re-enable them. Now launch the game to see if it worked or not.

It’s like that this didn’t work the first time, which is normal. Now simply go back to the launcher in order to keep disabling and re-enabling these modes again and again for a few times. Try to launch Project Nevada after doing all of this and it should have worked this time around.

  1. Perform A Manual Install

There is one final option, which is to reinstall Project Nevada entirely. However, this doesn’t refer to the usual process of installing the mod, but rather the alternative one which requires users to do some things manually. Firstly, go to the Fallout: New Vegas installation directory. There will be a download archive file here. Extract all of its content into the game’s data folder.

Then there is an additional step of copying and pasting the contents of whatever interface you’re using to the data folder as well, but this step is just for those who are using interface modifiers. Once all of this is done, just click on the New Vegas launcher and select the plugins you wish to use from the data files. The process will be complete after this.

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