4 Solutions For FIFA 22 Pro Clubs Glitch

fifa 22 pro clubs glitch
fifa 22 pro clubs glitch

There might not be any new mechanics to the game, but you’ll surely come across creative glitches in FIFA 22. You will occasionally come across players trying to abuse glitches like corner shots and impossible crosses.

Many players have complained about pro club glitches in FIFA 22 with the queues as well as the skill points. You won’t be able to progress your account until these glitches are addressed. So, here are some possible methods of fixing the FIFA 22 Pro Clubs Glitch.

FIFA 22 Pro Clubs Glitch Fix

  1. Relaunch FIFA 22

When you’re struggling with skill points and the pro clubs queues, just exit out of your game and launch it again after a few moments. Some users also pointed out that power cycling the console helped them with the Pro Clubs glitch. So, try to remove power from your console after shutting it down. Turn the power back on after 2 minutes, and then boot up the console. Launch FIFA 22, and it should work perfectly at this point.

  1. Get The Latest Patch

Most of the time, developers are pretty responsive and address all of these minor bugs with the latest patches. Usually, the patches are not that large in size, and you won’t have to wait for hours to install the patch. So, check for updates and then launch the game after updating FIFA 22 to the latest patch.

  1. Reset Online Pro Profile

Resetting the online pro profile has also helped some players, but it will remove some personalized features from your team. You won’t be losing any skill points after you delete the online pro profile, and the only thing you’ll need to go through is the cosmetic options. So, if you’re unable to fix the issue after installing the latest patch and rebooting the console, then try removing the online pro profile.

It will take some time to adjust the cosmetic features to your players, but other than that, resetting the profile will fix all issues with glitched skill points. So, if you’re in the same situation and the skill points won’t go up in your game, then reset the profile.

  1. Submit A Support Ticket

There is also a possibility that your account is bugged, and you’ll need help from the experts to get to the bottom of this issue. So, you should try to immediately submit a support ticket through the official page, and an expert from the player support team will respond shortly. Make sure to provide a clear description of the issue along with all the troubleshooting steps you’ve tried so far to speed up the troubleshooting process.

Ideally, you will be able to fix the situation after you relaunch the game and check for updates in FIFA 22. However, if you’re not able to get through the issue even after reinstalling the game, then the only choice left here is to contact the player support members. That way, you won’t really have to spend hours in the troubleshooting process yourself.

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