4 Corner Glitch FIFA 22 Troubleshooting Tips

corner glitch fifa 22
corner glitch fifa 22

It is true that the appeal of the latest title can attract players to spend a hefty budget on the new game, but avid gamers have nothing new to find except annoying bugs in FIFA 22. Players seem to be pretty frustrated with the corner glitches that are next to impossible to defend.

Many players have been inquiring about how to go about fixing this glitch. While there is no surefire method of avoiding this glitch every time, here are some of your options for the FIFA 22 corner glitch.

Troubleshooting Corner Glitch FIFA 22

  1. Manually Track Players

Manually tracking the players might be a bit demanding and can take a lot of focus. However, this is your best shot at blocking the corner glitch. So, if you see a player trying to pass it short and then trying to cross it over, make sure to track the player accordingly and defend the far post.

You won’t be able to perfectly block the shot every time, but the success rate has proven to be satisfactory for most users. So, you won’t be completely left helpless when players are abusing this glitch against you.

  1. Check For Latest Patch

According to the developers, this corner glitch has been addressed in the latest patch. So, you should check for possible updates and make sure that your game is on the latest version. Hopefully, you won’t have to deal with the same situation where the players are abusing this corner glitch in FIFA 22 to get a better rank.

On the other hand, if you’re sure that there is no latest patch out, then make sure to reach out to the experts regarding this issue. The developers are pretty responsive in addressing such glitches, and you won’t have to wait long for a quick fix that addresses this issue with FIFA 22.

  1. Cut Off The Cross

Some players have also pointed out that it is not that hard to cut the cross. You just have to be proactive and rely more on manual tracking to cut off the cross. So, instead of the straight shot, you should be focusing on cutting off the cross. Once you start focusing on the cross instead of the straight shot, it will be much easier to detect, and you won’t have to waste as much time cutting off this cross.

  1. Report Players

Make sure to also report players who abuse this glitch to improve the quality of matches in your rank. While the issue is mainly with the game, and the developers should take notice of these glitches immediately, you should still report glitch abusers by accessing the player list through the pause menu.

Overall, your best bet is to wait for the latest patch and try reading the play by manually tracking the players. All your focus should be on cutting the cross and stopping the shot after the pass instead of the direct shot. Other than that, you can’t do much about the glitch yourself, and you’ll just have to bear with the abusers.

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