Destiny 2 Override Is Not Matchmaking? (Do These 5 Steps)

destiny 2 override not matchmaking
destiny 2 override not matchmaking

The matchmaking in Destiny 2 is not always perfect. There are a ton of bugs and errors that accompany the recent patch. Many players have come forward with issues regarding Destiny 2 Override not matchmaking at all, and you will likely run into the same problem after the patch is installed.

The upside here is that it is not that hard to fix these problems, and usually, it is just a minor bug. So, if you do get stuck in a similar problem, here are some methods to help you along your troubleshooting journey in Destiny 2.

Fixing Destiny 2 Override Not Matchmaking

  1. Turn Off Crossplay

The first thing that you need to do here is to turn off the crossplay features and then queue up the match one more time. While you might think that enabling crossplay will help you play against more players, this feature will only bug the matchmaking option.

So, it is a smarter idea to turn off the crossplay features if you’re not getting any matches after 10 minutes. Once the crossplay is off, the matchmaking should work perfectly, and you’ll find a game within the next few minutes.

  1. Relaunch The Game

Relaunching the game should be your next move here when the matchmaking is failing time after time. If you’re sure that the crossplay is disabled, just exit out of the game and then terminate all tasks related to the Steam client. At the same time, try to limit the background activity and only keep the essential apps running in the background. Once that is done, launch the client and start the game to get into matchmaking.

  1. Fix The Date And Time

If you’re on Xbox, then the problem is likely related to inaccurate date and time configurations. You need to update both the date and the time accordingly to avoid further issues with the game matchmaking. Just be sure to power cycle the console after updating the date and time, and that should fix the matchmaking errors.

  1. Refresh Router Connection

Refreshing the router connection is the next best thing that can be done at this stage. The problem might not be with the game, and you should always try to refresh the network connection to narrow down the issue. If the matchmaking starts to work perfectly after restarting the router, then you’ll be sure that the problem was with the network. Similarly, you need to make use of a VPN to further isolate the issue.

  1. Check Server Population

Lastly, the server popularity might also be at fault here, and you need to check the game status one more time. Trying out matchmaking one more time after a few hours should help you with a better perspective on the situation.

There is no point in queuing late at night, as the population on the server is pretty minimal. So, you should switch up your routine if you don’t want to wait in long queues for matchmaking. Seek further support from the official Bungie forums regarding the best time for Override Matchmaking.

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