5 Things To Do If Battlefield 2042 Matchmaking Is Not Working

battlefield 2042 matchmaking not working
battlefield 2042 matchmaking not working

The variety of weapons and the poor map design have discouraged many gamers from putting their money in Battlefield 2042. This game is loaded with bugs, and it will be a few months until developers address all the major issues with the game. So, there is no point in spending money on this game, and you’ll be better off waiting for a sale.

There have been a ton of issues with the Battlefield 2042 matchmaking not working over the past few weeks. If you’ve also bought the game, then there are still a few things that you can try to get the matchmaking working again. Just follow through with these methods, and hopefully, you won’t have to reinstall the game.

How to Fix Battlefield 2042 Matchmaking Not Working?

  1. Get The Latest Patch

Even though the updates are automatically installed on your PC, the client can sometimes get bugged, and you’ll have to restart the client to download the update. The majority of players reported that they were able to join matches after installing the latest patch on their PC. So, make sure that your game is updated and there are no pending patches by restarting the client after completely exiting all apps.

  1. Clear Steam Cache

Removing the Steam download cache will also help address this issue, and you should open up the client settings if the matchmaking is not fixed after rebooting the client. Once you’re in the settings menu, open up the downloads tab and then select clear download cache. This option will be present at the bottom section, and you can simply confirm by choosing the OK option from the pop-up.

  1. Cycle Crossplay On & Off

Crossplay has always been bugged in this game, and there is a chance that you’re running into matchmaking issues because of the crossplay errors. So, try to queue for matches after turning it off and on a few times. Cycling between different crossplay configurations should help you connect to the match server, and most players had to turn this mode off to access the match.

  1. Reinstall Battlefield 2042

At this stage, you should just remove the game completely from your PC and then install it from scratch. Make sure to reboot your PC and test out the network before reinstalling the game, as it can take a long time to download all files. However, if the issue is not fixed even after refreshing the network and rebooting the PC, then your only option is to get the game installed again on your PC.

  1. Contact Support

You can further reach out to Battlefield support regarding this issue, and they will guide you through the troubleshooting process. It will become much easier to put your finger on the main cause behind this issue, and you won’t have to waste much time in the troubleshooting process. So, make sure to contact support and have them help you with the Battlefield 2042 Matchmaking features. Helpfully, you won’t have to wait for a new patch, and the support members will help you through this complication.

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