There Was An Error Creating A New Topic: 21 (3 Ways To Fix Steam Error)

there was an error creating a new topic: 21
there was an error creating a new topic: 21

The Steam discussion forums are one of the best places to seek help from other players. If you’re having an issue with any Steam-related game, then you can create a thread on these forums and now you will be able to interact with other players regarding this issue.

So, before contacting the game support and waiting for their response, you can just ask other players on this forum for possible solutions. Sadly, some of the platform users have mentioned that they were not able to create a new thread and ran into the “There was an error creating a new topic:21” error. Here are a few steps that can help you.

There Was An Error Creating A New Topic: 21

  1. Make A Purchase

If you’re a new user on Steam and have just recently started using this platform then it is likely that you will run into this problem on your first topic. Even though this issue occurs when users are posting too many topics, it is also known that limited users are not able to access the forums to create new topics.

So, if you’re also a limited user on this client and have not made any purchases then you can only browse the forums and answer to other players. You can’t create a topic yourself and will run into this error 21.

You can get around this error by purchasing something on your Steam account and then accessing the Steam forums after a few hours. Now, you will be able to create several topics without further problems.

However, if you don’t want to become a paid member then the best advice for you is to search the Steam forums for topics related to your issue and then try interacting with players on other people’s threads. That way you will be able to find a solution even if you don’t have the power to create a thread yourself.

  1. Switch Browser

If you’re still running into error 21 after making sure that you are not a limited member on this client then you should just wait a while and try again. There may be something wrong with the Steam servers which is why you’re unable to access the forums and create a new topic. However, some users did say that your browser can create similar issues even if you don’t spam the discussion forums.

So, we suggest that you switch to a different browser and try using Firefox or Opera to access the Steam forums. You shouldn’t have any issue with creating new topics at this stage if you’re sure that there is nothing wrong with your account.

There were cases when users were sharing their Steam account with a family member and creating several threads on these forums. If you’re also in the same situation then you will have to make sure that you are under the recommended limit for posts on this forum. Otherwise, you will get banned from creating new topics for a brief period. You can just wait a few days and then try using the Steam forums again to see if you can create a new topic.

  1. Steam Support

If you’re sure that you didn’t spam the Steam discussion forums but are still getting the error 21 when trying to create a topic then you should reach out to Steam support and ask them to check your account.

They will tell you exactly what is the source of this problem along with what you need to do to fix the issue. Ideally, everything will be back to normal after a few days even if your account was banned for spamming. Then you can create more topics without further issues.

However, make sure to stay within the recommended limits this time to avoid getting banned again. If you’re sure that you’re banned then you can also ask your friends to create a thread and then you can interact with other players without issues after the thread has been created.

This can prove to be a little workaround the error 21 and you’ll still be able to get all the answers that you desire. There are thousands upon thousands of topics on these forums, so it is very unlikely that you can’t find a topic related to your error. It is better to use the search box and browse for a little while before creating a new thread.

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