4 Ways To Fix Spore An Unknown Error Occurred During Registration

spore an unknown error occurred during registration
spore an unknown error occurred during registration

Spore is one of the best and most interesting online games that you can find online. It is a life simulation real-time strategy game that is published by EA and it has certain features that you are definitely going to love.

The vibrant color scheme on the game, the better graphics, and animations, and a lot of characters with the storyline make you hooked for years and there is not much that you are going to miss. In short, the game is the perfect thing for you to kill time for hours and have the right entertainment as well.

Like all the other online games that you can play, you will need to register for an account on the Spore as well. At times, you might be facing some errors in the game as well causing you to have certain problems. The most common and hard-to-get-around error is “An unknown error occurred during registration”.

This error will not let you enter the game and you will be stuck without access to the game or anything like that. A few fixes that can help you out of the tight corner are:

How to Fix Spore An Unknown Error Occurred During Registration?

1. Restart Game

Sometimes, you might be facing this error due to some bug or error on the game and that is not that hard to get away with. All you will need to do is close the game for a few minutes and then start it from scratch. That will be helping you out properly to make sure that you don’t have to deal with such errors and bugs.

Your registration information is saved on the game and once you restart Spore, it will be the right thing to help you log in to the game with the registration information that you have. Afterward, there are not any major problems that you’ll have to face with it.

2. Check Internet

Another possible reason for you to be facing this problem is an unstable internet connection. If you have an internet connection that might be unstable, it can cause you to have connectivity issues with the registration. So, you’ll have to ensure that your internet connection is stable and that it doesn’t have any such problems that might be causing you to face problems with your registration on the game server.

In addition to that, it would be better if you are restarting the router once and that is going to help you out with solving the problem and getting you the right network stability for getting the registration problem solved properly.

Another thing that you will need to take care of is the Wi-Fi frequency band. You can get these problems if you are using the 5 GHz frequency band, with a considerable distance between the router and the device. So, you will have to switch it to the 2.4 GHz band and that will help you with getting a perfectly stable internet connection and solve the problem with your registration as well on the game.

3. Redeem

Another thing that you will need to make sure is that you are redeeming the expansion on origin as well. It is pretty easy to take care of, and all that you will need to do is make sure that you are getting the registration on the gaming server done properly.

This will also help you avoid all the problems that you might be facing such as the error message with the registration on Spore. After the redemption on steam servers, you will be able to get the game going without any more errors or troubles at all.

4. Get Rid of VPN

There is another possibility on your PC that might be causing you to have this problem. There are some VPNs that can be the reason behind this and you will have to make sure that you are checking them thoroughly.

You need to disable the VPN and after that, you will have to start the game again. That will help you go through the registration process easier and that will ensure you enjoy the right experience with the game. After you have disabled the VPN, you can make sure that you will not have to deal with the registration error message.

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