3 Methods To Resolve Sims 3 Ceiling Is Too Low Error

sims 3 ceiling is too low
sims 3 ceiling is too low

When it comes to sandbox games where the player is free to do whatever he wants, the Sims series is a great game. Throughout the game, the players can enjoy playing and interacting with unique characters that are all part of the virtual world. Unfortunately, games like these are bound to run into all sorts of problems. Talking about this, we have heard from plenty of players about getting an error “Ceiling is too low” on the Sims 3. Supposedly, the error occurs when the player is trying to build something in the world. If you are also stuck with the same issue, then here is what you need to know!

How To Fix Sims 3 Ceiling Is Too Low

1. Removing the Roof

Sometimes, when you are placing a door inside a building, you may get this error especially if there is a roof above you. Chances are that the door might be too big and aren’t able to fit like it’s supposed to.

However, if this seems to be the case, then you should be able to fix this quite easily by simply removing the roof. Once you have removed the roof, simply install the door and place the roof back in its place.

2. Make A New Floor

Certain users have mentioned how removing the roof wasn’t enough for the door to physically fit inside the building. In such cases, it is strongly recommended to make a 2-story building. Start with deleting the roof and making a brand-new floor on top.

Just in case, we also recommend that don’t have any floor down. Now, proceed with putting the door wherever you want. Once the door is in place, you can then install both the floors and the roof along with everything else.

Also, keep in mind that the floor will need to be completely flat for the door to be installed. This is why we advised removing the floor in the first place.

3. Getting in Touch With Support

If you are still struggling with the same issue, then there’s a good chance that the game might be bugging out. If that is so, then your best bet is to get in touch with the support team. Let them know about the issue that you are experiencing. Likewise, they should suggest further solutions to the problem.

The Bottom Line:

Can’t install a door as you are constantly getting the “Ceiling is too low” error on the Sims 3? There isn’t anything to worry about as this is a pretty common issue that can be fixed relatively easily. All you have to do is to make sure that you keep on following the instructions that are listed above. In case of any confusion, just leave down a comment below!

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