4 Ways To Fix Silent Hunter 3 Resolution

silent hunter 3 resolution fix
silent hunter 3 resolution fix

It is next to impossible to play older games without mods, and you’ll have to install resolution mods and other patches to get the game working perfectly. Sometimes, games like SH3 won’t even load without a resolution fix, and you need to grab the resolution patch to get everything in order.

So, if you’re struggling with SH3 and it keeps crashing without any error, try the resolution fix one time. Hopefully, that should fix the game performance, and you won’t have to waste more time trying to fix the game.

Silent Hunter 3 Resolution Fix

  1. Try Game Pressure Fix

The game pressure resolution fix patch will help you change the resolution from 1024 x 768 to any resolution you’d like to play on. So, if the game seems to be bugged and you can’t make out any pixelated information, just get the resolution fix from the Game Pressure official web page and follow their installation instructions to get everything in order.

All you have to do is to extract the game file and then install the patch to avoid further issues with the game. Once everything is installed, just edit the d3d9.cfg file and update the resolution directly to your desired option. That will be it when it comes to updating the game resolution.

  1. Reinstall Game

Sometimes, you’ll have to clean and install the game from scratch if the patch is not working. So, if you’ve installed the game already, go ahead and uninstall it from the client directly. After that, you need to remove all the folders related to your game and then try to hard reboot your PC. once that is done, queue up the download and patch the resolution fix as soon as the game is done downloading.

  1. Download Mod Enabler & 4 GB Mod

Some users have also pointed out that you need the mod enabler patch as well as the 4 GB mod to get the game to load after the resolution fix. You can find these mods on the official Steam forums with instructions on how to patch these mods onto your game. These mods are totally safe for use and will help you utilize your system to load the game with better graphics. So, make sure to get all three of these mods installed if you haven’t already.

  1. Get Help from A Developer

The best way to go about the resolution fix is to directly get help from a developer on the official forums. They can guide you through each step of the troubleshooting process even when you’re not sure about the issue. So, if you can’t get your game to work with your native resolution, just open up a support thread on the official forums.

You won’t have to wait long to secure a response from an expert, and all you have to do is to follow their instructions on how to address the resolution problem. Moreover, you won’t have to spend hours trying to figure out the exact issue with your game resolution not working.

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