7 Fixes For Rainbow Six Extraction Matchmaking Error

Rainbow Six Extraction Matchmaking Error
Rainbow Six Extraction Matchmaking Error

Rainbow Six Extraction is one of the most popular multiplayer games out there, and that popularity only continues to grow with every new update and expansion Ubisoft releases. However, one of the biggest issues affecting many players, especially those on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, is Rainbow Six Extraction matchmaking error.

There’s no doubt this frustrating problem will be resolved eventually (if it hasn’t already), but until then you need to know how to fix it yourself! Here’s what you need to do to get Rainbow Six Extraction working properly again.

Rainbow Six Extraction Matchmaking Error

1. Close Your Other Programs

One possible reason for the matchmaking error is that you have too many programs running in the background. To fix this, close any programs that you’re not using. This includes things like web browsers, email clients, and instant messaging programs.

2. Check If Your Device Is Properly Connected To The Internet

One of the first things you should do if you’re having trouble connecting to Rainbow Six Extraction’s servers is check your Internet connection. If you’re playing on PC, make sure that your Ethernet cable is plugged in or that your WiFi adapter is turned on. If you’re playing on Xbox One, check your network settings to make sure that your console is properly connected to the Internet. If you’re playing on PlayStation 4, check your network settings to make sure that your console is properly connected to the Internet.

3. Reset Your Router

If you’re still having trouble connecting to a match after trying all of the above, you may need to reset your router. To do this, unplug your router from its power source and wait for 30 seconds before plugging it back in. Once your router is back on, try joining a match again and see if the issue has been resolved.

4. Restart Your Computer And Router

If you’re still having trouble connecting to a match after trying all of the above, the next step is to restart your computer and router. This will reset your internet connection and hopefully fix any underlying issues.

5. Change Your DNS Server Settings

If you’re still having trouble with the matchmaking error, you can try changing your DNS server settings. This can be done in your router’s settings or on your computer’s network settings. For Rainbow Six Extraction, you’ll want to use Google’s DNS servers: and Once you’ve changed your DNS server settings, restart your computer and try joining a match again.

6. Check Firewall Settings

If you’re experiencing the matchmaking error in Rainbow Six Extraction, the first thing you should check is your firewall settings. Firewalls can sometimes block certain ports that are necessary for online gaming. As such, it’s possible that your firewall is preventing you from playing. However, this may not be the only problem so let’s keep going.

7. Disable then Re-Enable your Wi-Fi Adapter

If you’re still having trouble connecting to a match, try disabling and re-enabling your Wi-Fi adapter. To do this on Windows 10, right-click the Start Menu and select Network Connections. Find your Wi-Fi connection in the list and right-click it, then select Disable. After a few seconds, right-click it again and select Enable. Wait a minute or two, then try joining a match again.

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