4 Fixes For Rainbow Six Extraction Buddy Pass Not Working

Rainbow Six Extraction Buddy Pass Not Working
Rainbow Six Extraction Buddy Pass Not Working

Playing with your friends is always more enjoyable, but it is pretty common for players to hold out on purchasing a new game until a sale hits the market. So, you’ll have to wait quite a bit after getting your copy of the game to enjoy it without your friends. Buddy pass addresses this situation with a transferable ticket that will allow your friends to join your lobby for a time limit of 14 days.

Rainbow Six Extraction Buddy Pass Not Working

Sadly, this feature doesn’t always work for players, and there are a few conditions that need to be kept in mind when using the buddy pass. So, if Rainbow Six Extraction Buddy Pass is not working, just follow these fixes.

  1. Re-add Friends

Re-adding friends to your game account will refresh the friend list, and you’ll be able to address this complication with the Buddy pass not working. However, you need to make sure that the friend you’re trying to invite didn’t get a buddy pass from a different player and is getting his first trial of the game. Otherwise, the pass won’t work even when you refresh the list and add your friend to your game account.

  1. Try Resending Pass After 2 Hours

Sometimes, the buddy pass can get bugged due to server issues. So, if the servers are currently under maintenance, you need to wait for at least two hours before sending a buddy pass to your friends. So, keep that in mind and be patient. Hopefully, you’ll be able to invite your friend without worrying about any complications with the buddy pass status on your account.

  1. Check For Expiration

The buddy pass in Rainbow Six Extraction is only valid for basic content and won’t provide your friend access to exclusive features. So, if you’re trying to get through added content, you will need your friends to own the game as well. Furthermore, the buddy pass won’t work after the 14-day expiration date.

If your friends are not planning on purchasing the game even after 14 days of trial, then the only option you have is to find new friends with Rainbow Six Extraction in their game library. That way, you won’t have to worry about any complications with the game account, and you’ll be able to enjoy a better experience.

  1. Contact Ubisoft Support

At this stage, you might just be dealing with a bugged account that is unable to send Buddy Pass tickets to friends. So, you need to contact Ubisoft support and have them help you narrow down possible reasons behind this reason. They will look into your account, and you won’t have to waste hours trying to narrow down problems with the Rainbow Six Extraction Buddy Pass not working properly.

Overall, the majority of users were able to address this station by refreshing their list. So, you can follow the same pattern and remove your friends from the list and then add them again. Hopefully, you’ll be able to enjoy Rainbow Six Extraction with your friends for the next 14 days.

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