4 Solutions To Halo Infinite Challenges Not Resetting

halo infinite challenges not resetting
halo infinite challenges not resetting

343 Industries’ latest entry in the long-running Halo franchise, Halo Infinite, has been capturing headlines left and right with its impressive graphics and thought-provoking storytelling. However, some fans are less than thrilled with Infinite’s newest feature, the Challenges system – or rather, the lack thereof.

You see, Challenges have not been resetting at all since its launch on November 6th, and some gamers are wondering how to get around this problem and continue their Challenge streaks as they please. If you’re looking to crack open Infinite and keep up with your Challenge count, look no further – this article has got you covered!

How To Fix Halo Infinite Challenges Not Resetting?

  1. Restart the Game

Restarting the game is the quickest and easiest method to repair any issues with the weekly challenges in Halo Infinite. The only way to fix the problem is to quit the program entirely, restart it, and then log back in. The weekly challenges should then start functioning again. In such case, you may want to think about participating in a solo queue.

Restarting the game is fortunately both the best and easiest solution to this problem. In most cases, just reconnecting to the game will be enough to allow your progress to display as expected and ensure that challenges are correctly tracked. That is a rather significant factor to consider if you want to level up your Battle Pass as rapidly as possible.

  1. Check Your Connection

There is a widespread root problem, even if we do not know the particular reason why the weekly challenges do not always track correctly. Because your progress is linked to your account, the monitoring seems to be inaccurate depending on the quality of your connection. If you are disconnected from the game for any reason or if anything forces you offline, it is possible that your progress toward completing tasks may not be recorded correctly.

  1. Perform a Challenge Swap

Of course, another solution to the problem is to perform a Challenge Swap on it. With them, you’ll be able to get rid of a challenge that isn’t tracking and put in its place a new one. However, doing so will cost you either credits or experience points; hence, this tactic should be used only as a very last option.

  1. Try Joining in Solo Queue

Some gamers have hypothesized that the issue arises from users collaborating in groups, proposing that joining a solo queue is an additional way to solve the issue. It’s certainly worth a chance, particularly considering that you don’t have to quit the game in order to do so. If you wait in line with a group, you could discover that the issue reappears after all.


If you’re having trouble with the weekly challenges in Halo Infinite, you may attempt to remedy the problem by restarting the game. The solution may be as simple as logging out and then back in. In that case, you may want to try your hand at solo queue while you work through the hurdles. In the meanwhile, we’ll have to hold our breath and wait for 343 Industries to investigate this situation and provide a workable remedy.

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