FIFA 22 Entering Match Temporarily Disabled (2 Possible Reasons)

FIFA 22 entering match temporarily disabled
FIFA 22 entering match temporarily disabled

With the release of Volta Football in FIFA 22, a long-awaited fan-favorite game mode that has been deemed as a game-changer in the FIFA franchise. But it has a fair share of bugs with them, The FIFA ultimate team and Volta Football often show an error message upon accessing its online features. It states “Entering a match has been temporarily disabled, we apologize for the inconvenience and expect match entry to be re-enabled soon. Please try again later”. Most of the players have taken this matter to EA forums and Reddit, but the developers shrugged it off to maintenance of servers.

But players have encountered this error when there was no maintenance going on, this could be caused by several issues. We’re going to go over some of them and help troubleshoot this problem.

FIFA 22 Entering Match Temporarily Disabled Fix

Let’s get into some of the fixes that are likely causing this problem.

1. Check Internet Connection

Usually, the root cause of these kinds of issues and problems is your internet connections. If you’re on a PC, you can check your internet connection speed by launching google and running a speed test, to clear things out if the required bandwidth isn’t up to the mark for FIFA 22.

If it turned out to be fine, then try to completely close your game and restart it. Oftentimes, this has fixed the issue as the game re-establish the connection to EA servers. If it still shows the same error, then restart your internet connection à Wait for 10 seconds before turning it back on.

Restarting the router helps in creating a safe network and the internet connection gets stable speed with minimal packet loss.

2. Server Maintenance

FIFA 22 entry is typically disabled when EA Sports is performing server maintenance. This can run for two to six hours and enables EA to address important problems with online gaming and the servers for Volta and Ultimate Team.

The first thing to understand is that EA is aware of this problem because developers frequently reply to players on forums when they see this error message. This warning typically appears while server maintenance is taking place, as EA notes. You may visit the FIFA 22 Twitter News account to find out whether there is any ongoing maintenance for the game.

It’s conceivable that no information was shared; if this is the case, you may verify the status of the server about your platform by visiting the dedicated EA page for the condition of the servers and clicking on “Status of the server.”


This issue is developers’ way of fixing things, removing bugs and exploits for the betterment of the community. Although, the message can be a little more discrete than, the temporary disable. Many people don’t have access to or don’t want to use Twitter. The server maintenance message should be displayed above the online matchmaking playlists to let players know that there’s an upcoming server maintenance update.

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