Error bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini (3 Ways To Fix)

error bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini
error bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini

It is always better to choose a specific playstyle for your character instead of putting up skill points into random things. If you want to get the most out of your character then decide the specializations you want early on and then stick to them. Also, you need to keep using the same abilities to increase their levels. That way you can unlock advanced perks which will be very useful later in the game.

Error bfloatpointrendertarget=1 is not set in skyrimprefs.ini

Unfortunately, many users have been complaining about the error “Bfloatpointrendertarget=1 Is Not Set in Skyrimprefs.ini” in Skyrim. If you’re also experiencing this error then try the following methods to troubleshoot it.

  1. Modify Configurations

If the graphics are messed up in your game and you keep running into this error then you need to access the “Skyrimprefs.ini” file and change the value of the “Bfloatpointrendertarget” statement to 1. The value will likely be set to 0 which is why you keep running into this problem.

To change the configurations, you need to open up the documents folder and navigate to the Skyrim folder which can be found in “My Games”. From there you can find the Skyrim Prefs file at the bottom of the list in the Skyrim folder. Open up the file on your notepad to edit the value on “Bfloatpointrendertarget”.

If you’re having trouble finding the statement, then try using the find tool from the edit section in your notepad. A box will appear on your screen and you can type in the initials of the statement. The program will find the statement for you and then you can easily change the value from 0 to 1.

Now, you need to save the settings and then load your Skyrim again. Hopefully, the error won’t be there after changing the value on the .ini file. Some players also said that they had to change the file properties to read-only to get their game working again.

  1. Use Mod Organizer

If you have a mod organizer installed on your PC for Skyrim then you need to change the .ini file through the mod organizer. In which case, you won’t be able to fix the error by simply changing the value in the .ini present in your documents. To get your Skyrim working again, you will have to modify the .ini file through the mod organizer.

That way the new configurations will be applied to your game, which will eliminate the error. To change the Skyrim Prefs file from the mod manager, you need to open up this program and access tools.

From the tools, you can just launch the INI editor and then change the “Bfloatpointrendertarget” value to 1. You can modify other settings as well from here if you’re experiencing different errors. However, keep in mind that the mod organizer uses separate .ini file to manage configurations.

So, it is likely that you won’t be able to get the game working after changing the .ini file in your game folder. Meaning that if you have a mod organizer then make sure to use the INI editor to manage your configuration files and avoid these issues.

  1. Reinstall Game

If your error is not fixed in Skyrim at this point then you should try removing some mods from your game and then changing your render configurations from the mod organizer INI file. You can also wipe Skyrim along with the mod files and the remaining folders from your PC completely.

Then install everything from scratch to see if that fixes your error. It might take a long time but it’s the last option that you’ve left. So, if nothing seems to work then remove Skyrim and add it again.

However, the error can still be of different natures depending upon the kinds of mods you’ve installed on your PC. So, if the mentioned fix doesn’t work out for you and you don’t want to reinstall the game so soon then you should seek help from other players on the community forums.

You can upload the error logs or the specific error statement and then ask other players for possible solutions. You can likely find someone who was in your shoes and was able to fix the issue.

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