4 Reasons For Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Disc Not Working

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Disc Not Working
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Disc Not Working

The customization features brought forward by Call of Duty Modern Warfare are the best on the market, and you won’t find any other FPS that can compete with this title. The current situation of the game is pretty stable, and you won’t have to wait for a long period to get into a match.

However, recent reports on Call of Duty Modern Warfare disc not working have created functionality issues for many players. If you’re in the same boat and this game just won’t work through the disc, then the following solutions should help you through the situation.

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Disc Not Working

  1. Clear Alternate MAC Address

The method that worked out for over 90 percent of the players was to clear the alternate MAC address. So, you should try out the same thing and head over to the settings menu, and proceed to network configurations. From there, you can access advanced settings and select an Alternate MAC Address for your system. Now, just select clear, and that will fix the problem with the COD MW disc not working.

  1. Reinsert Disc

There is also a chance that your disc is a bit dirty or not inserted properly in the console. So, instead of jumping to conclusions right away, it is a good idea to remove the disc from the console and then add it again. Make sure that the disc is in good shape and that there are no scratches on the disc.

If the disc is in poor shape or your console is in rough condition, you can’t really do much about fixing the issue. Taking your console to a repair center or calling the dealer is the logical option you’ve left.

  1. Reinstall Game

Some players also pointed out that you will have to completely reinstall the game to get the disc verified. Otherwise, you won’t be able to authorize the purchase. So, if you have the game already installed, just remove it from the console and then download it one more time after putting the disc in your system.

It will take a lot of your time to reinstall the game as the file size is pretty huge, but you’re not left with many options if the Alternate MAC address method didn’t help you out. So, make sure to reinstall the game when the COD MW disc is not working.

  1. Call Activision Support

If you’ve not been successful with any of the methods mentioned here, just reach out to the Activision support and brief them about this issue. They will help you narrow down the problem with the disc while also listing possible fixes to address the situation.

So, if you’re sure that the Alternate MAC address has been cleared up and the error persists even after reinstalling the game, just send a support ticket to Activision support. It will take a few days to secure a response from the experts, but you’ll surely be able to address the issue by seeking help from the professionals.

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