5 Fixes For Halo Infinite Says I’m Muted

If you are playing Halo Infinite and the game notifies you that you are muted, you may resolve this problem by following the instructions outlined in this troubleshooting guide. If, after doing the troubleshooting steps, you are still unable to play games online, you will need to get in touch with either the Xbox support … Read more

5 Ways To Fix Halo Infinite Stuck On Login Screen

It’s possible that when you install the beta for Halo Infinite, the game may start up in an unplayable condition and you won’t be able to go beyond the login screen. If anything like this occurs to you, there is still reason to have hope. Fixes are available that might make it easier for you … Read more

4 Solutions To Halo Infinite Challenges Not Resetting

343 Industries’ latest entry in the long-running Halo franchise, Halo Infinite, has been capturing headlines left and right with its impressive graphics and thought-provoking storytelling. However, some fans are less than thrilled with Infinite’s newest feature, the Challenges system – or rather, the lack thereof. You see, Challenges have not been resetting at all since … Read more

5 Troubleshoot Tips For Halo Infinite Battlepass Not Working

The video game Halo is a first-person shooter, which means that players must demonstrate their shooting prowess in order to advance in the combat ranks, collect experience points, and win the game. The game introduces a number of premium pass options, which enable a large number of players to advance up the ranks more quickly … Read more

4 Methods To Solve Halo Infinite Screen Flashing

Halo Infinite, the next installment in the franchise, was announced at E3 2018. Since its announcement, it’s been one of the most hotly anticipated games ever. But just like any other game, there are bound to be some minor issues here and there. One issue that has been reported several times by gamers across different … Read more

How To Replay Mission in Halo Infinite? (3 Ways To Do)

Players have the freedom to repeat any completed mission in Halo Infinite as they see appropriate, but what happens if you are aiming to reach 100% completion of the game and you miss a mission along the way? To your relief, Halo Infinite allows you to repeat any of the missions you have already finished, … Read more

5 Fixes For Halo Infinite PC Not Updating

If you’re having problems downloading Halo Infinite on your PC, it may not be due to an error on the developer’s part, but instead an error on your own. Bungie has released a troubleshooting guide to help players who are struggling with updating the game via the Microsoft Store, which should clear up any issues … Read more

How To Disable Crossplay On Halo Infinite? (4 Methods)

The fact that the new Halo Infinite game would support crossplay with other platforms was leaked by Microsoft inadvertently, which has caused disappointment among a number of players who were looking forward to the release of the game. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps necessary to disable crossplay so that you may play … Read more

6 Solutions To Smite No Sound in Game

Audio cues are extremely important when you’re playing games like Smite. However, this title is loaded with bugs that restrict audio output to the players. Many frustrated players have voiced their concern about these sound errors. While the game is to blame the majority of times, there is also a possibility that your output device … Read more

6 Quick Fixes For Smite Can’t Rejoin Game

While there is some hype behind smite, you will find a ton of players complaining about the slow gameplay brought forward by this game. This is especially true for conquest, and the reduced pace won’t really help you with a better gaming experience. So, keep that in mind if you are planning on investing some … Read more