5 Basics To Master Mineral Scanner On The Cycle Frontier

the cycle frontier how to use mineral scanner
the cycle frontier how to use mineral scanner

While some players describe the gameplay as pretty bland, the game is pretty tactical and incorporates a ton of unique strategies to give veteran players a competitive advantage. However, if you’re into more action-packed games, going with The Cycle Frontier might not always be the best choice. You’ll be much better served with options like Overwatch or Battlefield.

However, if you find it fun to use gadgets like a mineral scanner to navigate through the game, then The Cycle Frontier is not a bad choice. It might be a bit challenging to use these gadgets at first, but going through the following details should give you a rough idea.

The Cycle Frontier How To Use Mineral Scanner

Mineral mining is pretty fun in The Cycle Frontier, and you can go through several upgrades by attaching different modules to this item. You will have to grind a bit for all the extra scanner modules, but the boost in performance is well worth the extra investment in this game. So, here is how to use and upgrade the Mineral Scanner.

  1. Launch the game and then hold down on the Q key to access the selection wheel. There will be many items in the selection wheel, and you need to select the gadget with a small screen attached to a handheld console.
  2. After confirming the selection, you can let go of the Q key, and the character will equip the mineral scanner. You can further go to the Korolev shop to access the required Mineral scanner modules to scan different ores.
  3. Now, you can just navigate the region to find different nickel ores, and you don’t require any special attachments to find this node. However, if you’re aiming for Facus, Veltecite, or Titan node, then you’ll have to upgrade the Mineral scanner.
  4. You’ll need to complete relevant quests like Titan Hunter to unlock these modules and then spend the in-game resources to purchase these nodes from the shop. These upgrades will indeed be a bit expensive, but the extraction of titan ores will be well worth it when the mineral scanner has been updated.
  5. Lastly, you just have to find mining regions with less population to peacefully extract some nodes for your character. Going to highly populated regions will just waste your time, where more experienced users are mining ores.

Overall, you’ll have to maintain decent equipment as you progress through the questline, and you won’t be able to immediately attach titan modules to your equipment. So, make sure to prioritize the quest lines over character upgrades when the majority of stuff in the shop is locked. Otherwise, you won’t be able to efficiently upgrade your character.

Other than that, mining for nodes is incredibly relaxing and doesn’t require any extra effort from the users. While there are a ton of other methods to gather resources, mining for ores will always be considered near the top of the list of activities that you can perform in this game. So, keep that in mind if you’re not sure about investing time in mining ores.

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