5 Ways To Solve Watch Dogs Legion Mask Not Showing

Watch Dogs Legion Mask Not Showing
Watch Dogs Legion Mask Not Showing

While Watch Dogs Legion is undoubtedly one of the most engaging options on the market, there are a ton of glitches that have yet to be addressed in this game. One of the more common bugs is that the mask won’t show up in this game, and players have been pretty annoyed with this problem. There is a good chance that you’ll run into this issue as well because there are no direct methods for toggling the mask on or off in the game.

Watch Dogs Legion Mask Not Showing

Luckily, there are a few tricks that can be used to get the mask on your character. So, all hope is not lost, and you can follow some of these basic troubleshooting methods to get Watch Dogs Legion working again.

  1. Draw A Weapon

You’ll have to draw a weapon after entering a restricted area to put the mask on your operative. The mask remains off even if you’ve earned a new piece, and you need to be armed in a restricted area to get the mask back on your operative. So, find a restricted region and then draw your weapon. It should be enough to toggle on the mask, and your operative will cover its face.

  1. Change Hairstyle

Sometimes, even when you follow all the steps and the mask is still not showing in Watch Dogs Legion, then you need to change the hairstyle. There are a few hairstyles that can glitch out the mask, and switching up the hairstyle will help you get the mask back on your agent. Similarly, you can also cycle through your inventory to try and refresh the equipment pieces that can be equipped by the operative.

  1. Try A Different Operative

Players have also pointed out that they had to reset or choose a different operative to address this annoying issue with the mask not showing. So, if you’ve had no success up to this point, just go with a different operative and try out the new mask. It won’t take up much of your time to switch operatives, and then you can cycle back to the first agent once the issue with the mask has been resolved.

  1. Open Up Store Menu

The UI can also be refreshed by opening up the store menu. You can open up the store and preview some of the items available in the store before exiting out of the menu. Once you exit out of the store menu, the mask will get equipped without further complications, and you won’t have to bother with the reinstallation of the game.

  1. Relaunch Game

Lastly, you just need to exit out of everything, including every background app and overlays that are enabled on your PC. All of these applications can be closed from the task manager directly, and once that is done, just relaunch the game and access the mask one more time. The issue was fixed for the majority of users by simply switching the hairstyles and cycling through the operatives. So, there is a good chance that you won’t have to try more solutions.

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