4 Methods To Solve Mouse Not Working In Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic

star wars knights of the old republic mouse not working
star wars knights of the old republic mouse not working

Problems with the Star Wars Knights Of the Old Republic mouse not working have been in the game for years, and there is a good chance that you’ll be running into the same issues at some point. Most of the time, you will just have to disable the hardware mouse configurations or change the resolution of your home.

So, if you’re stuck in a similar situation where the mouse is not responding to any of your input, then following these troubleshooting methods should help you get the mouse working again in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

Fixing Mouse Not Working In Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic:

  1. Disable Hardware Mouse

The majority of players struggling with the mouse not responding in KOTOR pointed out that they had to disable the hardware mouse through the game settings file to get the mouse working again. So, before anything, you should try out the same troubleshooting method. Ideally, it will just take a second, and you need to access the game folder and browse to the configure file.

From the configuration file, you can disable the hardware mouse and then boot up your game one more time. This time around, the mouse will respond to your input, and you should try to re-plug the mouse into the PC port before trying anything else.

  1. Change Resolution

Cycling through different resolution settings is another great method of isolating the issue with the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic mouse not working. So, you should change the resolution once or switch to windowed mode. The mouse will start responding to in-game as soon as you update the game screen resolution. So, try switching to 1280×960 and then try using the mouse again.

  1. Disable Steam Overlay

The steam overlay is another culprit behind this issue with KOTOR not working with your mouse. So, if you’ve not yet disabled the Steam overlay in this game, now is a good time to do so. You just have to go to the Steam client settings and then proceed to access the in-game settings. From there, you can uncheck the box titled steam overlay and then confirm these new settings.

Once the overlay has been disabled, you should try to relaunch the Steam client completely by turning it off through the task manager. Once the client launches again, you can boot up the game and then check the response from the mouse controls.

  1. Reboot Your System

At this point, you need to reboot your system completely and then remove all the background processes before starting the game again. This will take care of minor bugs caused by third-party applications that are interfering with the performance of your game. So, make sure to exit out of all other programs and then launch KOTOR one more time. Hopefully, you won’t have to bother with the same issue, and the mouse will start responding.

You can further try to re-enable the hardware mouse after the game starts working properly. Similarly, make sure to switch back to the original resolution, and you can enjoy a comprehensive gaming experience.

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