4 Practices To Solve Sims 3 Edge Scrolling Not Working 

sims 3 edge scrolling not working
sims 3 edge scrolling not working

If you’ve played Sims 3 for a while, there are a ton of cool features and shortcuts that can be used to enhance the control of players over the sims. Many players like to make use of features like edge scrolling to control the view on their screen. This feature is incredibly useful and makes it easier for players to cycle through the interface. Sadly, some players did mention issues with the edge scrolling not working in Sims 3. While this issue is not that serious, and you can still play the game, it can become annoying over time. So, try these solutions to fix Edge scrolling on Sims 3.

Sims 3 Edge Scrolling Not Working

1. Use Fullscreen Mode

Almost all the complaints from the users struggling with the Sims 3 Edge Scrolling mentioned that they were using windowed mode. This was the main cause behind the scrolling issue, as the Edge scrolling is only compatible with the full-screen mode. So, if you’re in the same boat, and the windowed mode is turned on, try to switch to the full-screen mode.

You can use the Alt plus Enter combination or switch to full-screen mode directly from the in-game settings. After that, just test out the edge scrolling by bringing the pointer to the edge of your screen. That will fix the issue for the majority of users struggling with Sims 3 Edge scrolling.

2. Check Configurations 

While it is an obvious thing, you should open up the configurations on the game and check if the edge scrolling is turned on or not. Ideally, you need this option to be ticked in the game settings if you wish to get the desired performance. So, open up the game and navigate to the options from the menu. Now, you can browse the list for Edge Scrolling and make sure that this feature is ticked in the game settings.

3. Remove Mods

Having custom content on the game is not a bad thing as long as you’re sticking with verified packs and popular mods. It is common knowledge that the mods can mess up the game and create several issues down the road. So, if you have installed custom content on the unit, just remove it from the computer and restart the game.

Removing the custom content is one of the best methods to get rid of the Edge scrolling issues. Once the edge scrolling is working, you can add the mods again one by one to isolate the defective content.

4. Reboot the PC

Some users have also enjoyed positive results by rebooting the PC and then launching the game again. So, there is no harm in giving this method a shot if the issue is not fixed after removing custom content. Reinstalling the game on a different drive can be a decent alternative if you have a good internet connection. As long as you’ve tested out all the solutions mentioned above, it is not such a bad idea to use a different drive to install the game and then link the save file.

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