Sims 3 Keeps Crashing Without Warning? Try These 3 Troubleshooting Steps Now

sims 3 crashing without warning
sims 3 crashing without warning

One of the worst feelings is to have your game crash without giving any kind of warning. While game crashes can happen due to all sorts of reasons, Sims 3 players have been complaining about it pretty often. This is why today; we will be taking a look at how you can fix Sims 3 crashing without warning. So, if you are also someone who is facing a similar issue, then you have come to the right place! Here is everything that you need to know about resolving the issue for good.

Sims 3 Crashing Without Warning

1. Try Repairing the Game

If your game keeps crashing whenever you try to launch it, then there’s a good chance that it happens because of some corrupt or bugged-out files. If that is the case, then you will have to fix these files before the game can run.

Luckily, most clients including Origin give you the option of being able to repair these files. All you have to do is to find your game inside your game library in Origin. Right-click on the game icon, and select the option for repairing the game. The client should automatically scan all of the files and download any missing or corrupted files for you.

2. Remove Mods

Certain players have also reported mods being the cause for certain crashes in the game. We recommend checking any recent mods that you may have installed in the game. Just in case, you can try removing all the mods in your game.

Alternatively, you can just try moving the mods folder to any other directory, which should temporarily remove all the mods from your game. This way, you will also know if the mods were causing the issue in the first place.

3. Run As Administrator

Plenty of programs on your computer won’t run properly unless they are run by an administrator. Some permission issues can cause your game to crash out.

If that is so, then simply right-click on your game and run it as an administrator. Furthermore, you can also select your game to always run as an admin whenever you launch it. To do this, you will have to go to your game’s properties. Under the compatibility tab, there should be an option for choosing “Always run this program as an administrator.” Just make sure that you have this option selected.

The Bottom Line:

Sims 3 keeps crashing without warning can be pretty annoying to deal with, especially when you just want to play the game. Though these crashes can happen because of various reasons, one of the most common causes of sudden crashes is corrupted files. To fix such issues, you can simply opt for repairing your game files through the Origin client which should fix the issue for you!

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