5 Solutions To Rainbow Six Siege Not Letting Me Join Friends

rainbow six siege not letting me join friends
rainbow six siege not letting me join friends

Rainbow Six Siege, an incredibly popular multiplayer shooter from Ubisoft, can be a lot of fun when you’re playing with friends. However, you might run into issues joining a game together, especially if you play on PC and your friend plays on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.

Fortunately, there are some simple fixes that resolve these connection issues. Check out the guide below to learn how to fix this problem and get back to the action!

How To Fix Rainbow Six Siege Not Letting Me Join Friends?

  1. Open Ports On Your Router

If you’re having trouble joining friends in Rainbow Six Siege, it might be because of your router. To fix this, you’ll need to open ports on your router. Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. Here’s how to do it:

  • Log into your router’s web interface. This is usually done by typing into your browser’s address bar.
  • Look for a section called Port Forwarding or Applications and Gaming. You should see something like Forwarding Ports with an option to add a new port forwarding rule.
  • Enter your game’s port number under External Starting Port (it will probably say TCP or UDP) and then enter that same number under Internal Starting Port. The External Ending Port will already have been filled out if it matches the Internal Starting Port.
  • Click save changes at the bottom of the page, then restart your game client and try connecting to another player again!
  1. Close/Reopen Uplay

If you’re still having trouble joining your friends in Rainbow Six Siege, try closing and reopening Uplay. This has been known to fix the issue for some players. Here’s how

  • Close Uplay by clicking on Quit in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
  • Restart your computer if it is already open.
  • Log back into your account on Uplay once it starts up again.
  • Open Rainbow Six Siege and continue playing with friends!
  1. Restarting Rainbow Six Siege

If you’re still having trouble joining your friends in Rainbow Six Siege, try restarting the game. This will usually fix any minor glitches that may be causing the issue. To do this, simply close the game and restart it.

  1. Restart the Computer

If you’re still having trouble joining your friends in Rainbow Six Siege, try restarting your computer. This will close any programs that may be causing conflicts and refresh your system. Once your computer has restarted, try joining your friends again. If the issue persists, move on to the next solution.

  1. Check Your NAT Type

One of the most common reasons for not being able to join friends in Rainbow Six Siege is because of NAT type. NAT, or network address translation, is a function of your router that determines how your device communicates with other devices on the internet. There are three NAT types- open, moderate, and strict. If you have a strict NAT type, you may not be able to join friends who have a different NAT type. To fix this, you’ll need to change your NAT type to either open or moderate.

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