4 Steps To Resolve Origin Purchased Game Not Appearing

origin purchased game not appearing
origin purchased game not appearing

Origin is EA’s official online platform through which players can download and install the latest games offered by EA. Apart from downloading these games, the platform is also used as a launcher to play these games. Unfortunately, the problem with Origin is that it often runs into all kinds of errors. Regarding this, we have had a lot of users complain about an Origin purchased game not appearing in their library. If you are also someone who is facing a similar issue, then here is what you need to know about it:

Origin Purchased Game Not Appearing

1. Reload the Page

Sometimes, the reason why you might not get your game on the library tab might be because you haven’t simply reload the page. If this is the case, then simply refreshing the whole origin page should help get the game back on your library.

To reload an Origin page, all you have to do is to click on the Origin menu found on top of the Origin client. Now, choose “Reload Page” which should successfully refresh everything on the client.

2. Restart the Client

If reloading the page didn’t help then another thing that you can try is to restart the whole Origin client. Logging out and logging back inside the client should also help. Start with signing out of the client, after which we recommend closing the Origin client.

As soon as the program terminates, we suggest starting the client again and signing back into your account. Alternatively, you can also try restarting your whole system which can also help.

3. Working Internet

Having a fully stable working internet is also necessary to make any purchase on the Origin client. You may likely have not purchased the game because of problems with your internet connection.

If that is the case, then you will have to contact your ISP and ask them to resolve the internet issue for you.

4. Order Might Still Be Processing

Most of the time, certain purchases take a bit of time before they are fully processed. While this can happen due to many reasons including Origin’s servers being overloaded, all you can do is wait until the order is completely processed on the backend.

There’s a good chance that the game should appear on its own after some time. Though if you still aren’t able to get the game in the library, then you should try getting in touch with the support team.

The Bottom Line:

It can be quite terrifying to have your purchased game not appearing on the Origin client. However, there isn’t any need to worry as this is mostly because of the client not being refreshed or the order itself still under the processing stage. In either case, you should get the game after waiting a while.

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